The perspective that one gains from a Methuselah-esque tenure at - TopicsExpress


The perspective that one gains from a Methuselah-esque tenure at USYD has led me to conclude that this years Honi Soit has been undoubtedly the worst publication of the last six years. The complete lack of even a pretence that this paper would report objectively, independently and without bias is a farce. Objectivity is dead, but only because this years editors took an axe to it. Each edition Ive been consistently disappointed by the bullying and slander, which is typified by Unigate and this weeks awards section. When did Honi become a vehicle for harassment? Now, for something I personally take issue with. I know the concept of news is a challenging one in todays modern commercialised era, but seriously. Buy a dictionary, look up news and read. Stop publishing opinion pieces under the title of news. However, the lack of respect shown for many of the reporters of Honi was perhaps the most disappointing trait of this years editors. When editors request that reporters write a pitch, fail to respond to that pitch and take their efforts for granted - its worthy of disgrace. But hey, why believe me when one of this nations greatest media critics has plenty to say. Jonathan Holmes lamented this year that Honi Soit was no longer the beacon of student journalism it once was. In fact, he called it rubbish. This years Honi Soit has not had even a shred of journalistic integrity. Save Vagina Soit and the contributions of some very talented reporters, there has been nothing of journalistic value about Honi Soit in 2013. Finally, learn yo grammar or employ a sub-editor.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 07:50:02 +0000

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