The phone rings, at exactly 11:10am. A new number blinks on your - TopicsExpress


The phone rings, at exactly 11:10am. A new number blinks on your screen. Hello, you humbly speak to the surrounding air hoping the phones mouthpiece would carry your sound and deliver it to the unknown caller at the other end. I am I speaking to Mr. Henry Chikasamba? a voice from the other end asks. No, if you are looking for Harry and not Henry the here I am, you confidently reply, of course your mind caressing the walls of history trying to trace if there may be anything wrong you had done. That voice, on the other end of the phone, sounds authoritative like that of a policeman in search of truth from a suspected murderer. I am Peter calling from the Free Expression Institute. I have both good and bad news for you, Upon hearing Free Expression Institute your mind registers an essay writing competition you partook some weeks ago. Start with the bad news, Sir, you ironically request. Hahaha, Peter laughs sarcastically before saying what if I start with the good news that your essay has made it into the top 10! Now you learn that there may actually be nothing criminal you had done in the past days or weeks. Your mind is filled with joy. And the bad news is that we are giving you a very short notice to travel to Crossroads Hotel this Thursday for the award presentations, he continues. You wonder if at all this is bad news. You are a good fan of travelling even at such short notices, and this only sounds more of good than bad news as Peter thinks. You talk for a while, then bye bye to each other. You are left with joy overflooding your nerves. You cant just be clingy to all that bunch of joy but share it with some of your close friends. You miss Lilongwe, you want to be at Crossroads this Thursday, 31 July. But that day happens to be a day your Sweetheart, Gloria was born. Uisova mfana! you hear a mocking voice deep within you.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 09:53:28 +0000

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