The phony Liberal left, such nice people. I cant take credit for - TopicsExpress


The phony Liberal left, such nice people. I cant take credit for the following. Just so you know, we know who the enemy is. Ft Hood Shooter: Reg­istered Democrat and Muslim. Columbine Shooters: Too young to vote … both families were Registered Democrats and progressive liberals. Virginia Tech shooter: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff. Registered Democrat. Lee Harvey Oswald, Socialist, Communist and Democrat. Colorado theater shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, occu­py wall street participant .. progressive liberal. Connecticut school shooter: Registered Democrat. Hated Christians. Remember Amy Bishop, the rabid leftist would-be professor who killed her colleagues? She was a dyed-in-the-wool Obama supporter. Let us also not forget James J. Lee who was the green activist and leftist who walked into the Discovery Channels Silver Spring MD headquarters and goes nuts. Common thread is that all of these shooters were progressive liberal Democrats Show us where they are not left wing. Almost every act of terror commited in America (besides Muslims) have been radical leftists. (Which is why Commie (Liberals) have a soft spot for Jihad. Loughner was a leftist. Against the Zionist state of Israel, he also had an affinity for men. Holmes was a lefty loon. The Ohio bomb plot were occupy Wall St leftists. Washington D.C. Sniper, Registered Democrat. The man who shot John Lennon, Registered democrat,. Every Presidential assassination or attempt since A. Lincoln, Leftist Leaning Lunatics. Democrats killed MLK Jr., Medger Evans. Aaron Alexis was a black liberal. Brett Kimberland is a leftist. Bill Ayers, Ted Kayzynski. Karl Pierson. All leftists. Right back to the Wall St bombing in the 1920s or the mail bomb of the red scare, 1919. 1886, the Haymarket Bombing, Chicago. Leon Czolgosz who assassinated McKinley who claimed to have been heavily influenced by anarchists such as Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman. Anti Red Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer and his family are targeted for death. The bomb goes off prematurely in the bombers face, demolishing much of Palmers home. The culprit, Carlo Valdinoci was a leftist. Eco terrorists... the list goes on and on.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 06:37:43 +0000

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