The place was a basement party with Red lights and we paid 25cents - TopicsExpress


The place was a basement party with Red lights and we paid 25cents to get in I am 12 years old going on 13 and I am in seventh grade. I had just moved to 8149 South Loomis from 3849 S. State. My wardrobe is fresh for every day of the week from head to toe and I wear a big afro. The stepping is the central part of the party because every one gathers around to judge the skill and grace of the steppers. One of my early teachers was James Brown and Al Green because these brothers were light on there feet. One of my partners Keith Williams aka Skillet because he wore a tee shirt to school with that written on it so we continued to call him that. Well the brother was smooth on his feet like fred Astaire and he was quick and creative with his moves. One day his brother came in and hit him up side the head with some keys while he was doing the James Brown for the fellows to imitate of course we all were laughing behind that. We used to practice among ourselves. Tyrone Jordan aka TJ Swan and Anthony Wilkins aka Silky was the nicest dresser out of our bunch only because he wore his big brother Willie’s Suit’s and Shoes and Rogers Barlow aka Boo Boo he liked to Body punch and play basketball and Steve Gray aka the Boxer because he was for real. We all got together and planned a big party in my grandfather’s basement that he turned out at 9:00p.m. because he was a early riser but we had the place packed and my mother even brought down some food. We made a grand total of $5.00 dollar by charging 25cents a head but my cousin Bobby Dixon took his friends up stairs so they could get in free. We were in eighth grade. Fast forward to Simeon vocational high school and we had a stepping party at school and we all enjoyed that because we had practiced before the event. I began to go Downtown and all around town to get my step on. Practice makes perfect. Ronnie’s Steak House had the AM Factory and I was in there Daily right off State Street on Randolf. Chic ricks on 26th and Michigan where I became a bouncer and my supervisor was a brother name killer and I would explain to people who acted like they would want to start trouble that Killer loves to fight and once he starts the who crew would mob you so don’t start. Every now and then you had some fool who had to test it and it was not nice. Meanwhile I am finding more and more places to step. The 50 yard line on 75th at about Michigan is still there today. There was another place Downtown call the Court’s we would all step and party at also. My cousin butch was a bouncer and one day he thew some body thru the plate glass window. I guess in a fight some times you just react. Normally my cousin was mild mannered and had a good sense of humor but when you get on anyone’s bad side anything is subject to happen. Fast forward to my friend Kendra Crawfords Stepping party at Chicago State University and Enrique was also there and she said the contest was for 25dollars so automatically since I was broke I resolved in my mind that is my money. Suddenly Enrique said make that a 50 dollar contest. I said this is mind for sure. My partner was Kendras cousin who was a fly stepper her self and when we won that money she let me keep 30 of it now that was a true blessing from the most high One Creator of the Universe and to this day I still say Thank You. Just last night I was at a place called the Family Den at 8942 South on Stoney Island. I had a couple of dances last night with a light skinned tall cutie first and we got our step on. I danced to the house music with a short dark skinned cutie. It was great to see big people enjoy themselves.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 17:47:06 +0000

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