The plan was clear. Drink more coffee, worry about money and wait - TopicsExpress


The plan was clear. Drink more coffee, worry about money and wait for winter. Bobbie wasnt too pleased with the cooks idea. He was just trying to help. We did a little survey with the waitress and she wanted her own business, some day. Everybody wants their own business. Everybody wants. Nobody gives. We decided to give the waitress a two dollar tip, it was a big deal. The true picture of Unemployment Survival is really not being talked about because people really don’t understand that your state, county and home town has disintegrated into poverty. There is an economic breakdown within the United States that may be compared to an illness that has spread to every corner of our nation. Unemployment is a destructive monster that is killing the nation and the citizens with vicious attacks on every level of our free enterprise system, local job markets and the people’s ability to avoid malnourishment and widespread hunger. Your individual unemployment survival is not simply about regaining your leisure time and hanging on to your wealth. Your individual unemployment survival is not a communal or group problem even though millions of Americans share in the grief and anguish. Your individual unemployment survival is about living another day. Your endurance will be tested and your recovery will require you to do things for your continued existence. The traditional way of life in the United States is passing away and hundreds of thousands of underemployed, downsized, unemployed American citizens are paying the price day after day and month after month. Unemployment is deadly. Your lack of income is serious and at times seems incurable but there is important and significant work to be done to regain your earthly and worldly requirements. Unemployment is truly life-threatening and you’re not going to find this obvious truth written about in the main-stream off the shelf books today. Unemployment is not a mild threat to your survival because without income you can quickly become homeless, hungry and dizzy with fear and poor health. You can read the opinions of eminent politicians in your area or simply turn on your television to listen to Federal representatives, Industrial leaders and Union representatives and they all have glowing ideas for saving America. This Unemployment Survival and Endurance Guide is not about saving America it’s about saving you as an individual. We’re going to help you create staying power in economic terms where you will be able to survive without the traditional income or job you’ve always depended. The other Unemployment Survival books quickly teach you to file for your unemployment insurance benefits which requires little more than patience. If you may qualify you’re going to get income from your state each week while you remain unemployed. The process takes just a little time but the few hundred dollars you may receive can be of great benefit as income. It may be appropriate for you to file for food-assistance which is another government program that provides you with food-funds to purchase your daily food requirements. Other programs are available that may provide you with needed money to assist you paying your energy costs. Wellbeing programs are also available such as Medicaid that may provide you with actual health and drug prescription coverage. Other programs may also offer your rent payment assistance if you may qualify. All these programs have a so called predetermined outcome of keeping you from starving to death and maybe give you time to find that all important job. You have been taught by civilization that you must have a job, where you work for another person to gain income stability. It seems that man is doomed in America today. Millions of people have no jobs even though they do have occupations. A farmer without a field of soil can find little success standing idle or unoccupied. A machine operator will remain inactive until such time that a machine needs to be operated. The unemployed manager or salesman is not lazy or work-shy but there is nothing to sell and nothing to manage. Hundreds of thousands of quality people have lost their jobs and incomes due to dying industries and they are now drifting from unemployment to welfare, food-stamps and other government programs. Many books have sprung up to help this so called new generation of the unemployed but they’re really no help at all. Old solutions to the current unemployment problems have little usefulness for the individual that remains at rest. Unemployment benefits will not create you a new cash earning job. Food assistance will keep you from starving to death but will not make the employer down the street give you a good middle class job. Every federal, state and local assistance program leaves you thirsty for the solution. American business firms are now experimenting on new business models and they have learned hundreds of valuable lessons. The primary lesson they have learned is that they do not need you. With the use of your consumer dollars they have moved over 42,000 factories from America to foreign countries and low cost employee markets. You have been replaced for about $2.00 per day. Countries like China, Vietnam, Mexico and many others offer up slave-type labor, cheap land, raw materials and very few economic or environmental restrictions to any American company that wants to build and operate a manufacturing facility. You are not going to gain employment in America building machine parts, automobiles, airplanes, warships, tanks, computers or cell phones. It is now safe to predict that televisions, radios and furniture will all be made outside of America which leaves hundreds of thousands of Americans on Welfare programs. This is the Industrial Free Enterprise Manufacturing Dark Ages for the United States of America. We do not manufacture. We do not open factories but we have spent a lot of time and money on building miniature golf courses and sub sandwich shops. We have invested in services and welfare programs. Almost overnight we have become unemployed. Almost overnight we became underemployed, downsized, and laid-off or terminated but politicians, bankers, major business executives are still going strong. The American corporation has invented a simple machine of prosperity, cheap labor. There will be no social or industrial utopia and the inevitable American depression will not be solved by preachers, scientists or social workers. You must solve your own individual problem of unemployment. You have become lost in the new American economy. There is nothing on the horizon that will be capable of altering the economic structure of your life. You must invent your own economic structure to survive in the future. We have a new process of opportunity where the factories have been built in America and men and women are working this very day employed to carry out this new process. At this moment in time the world has a surplus of labor. The world also has a great excess of goods and services that are not being purchased by the consumer. We have leftover labor and extra products that are forcing unemployment up and retail prices lower and lower. The difficulty with your unemployment or underemployment is that the employer doesn’t need to make much of anything at the moment. With the surplus of goods the lawnmower factory, refrigerator assembly line and the bulldozers are all idle. Work hours have been reduced to create a new class of underemployed in America. Entire factories and companies have been shut down creating unemployment but you still must be able to earn a living. If you are unemployed today you will quickly run out of weekly unemployment benefits. The economy has given you leisure time. The problem is that you don’t know how to dispose of your leisure time. You computer check Monster or Career Building looking for some income but the economy has stopped. You spend good money mailing out resumes but never get the interview. This leisure or non-working time can cause you excessive stress. Your life becomes redundant and you start to feel outmoded and unneeded. What you must realize is that this gift of leisure time is a very valuable contribution to your future success and income potential. The people out of work and the remaining companies straining to survive have several things in common. Both the factory owners and the unemployed factory workers are anxious to work and become productive again. Massive factories are idle and the machines are covered up with plastic and their idleness creates more suffering for the owners and the workers. Our plan was to take the idle machines and the hungry workers and put them all back to productive and profitable work again. Being jobless today is one thing but remaining jobless within the next ten days is another matter. Your economic conditions can change in the next few days. You can help us put Americans back to work and provide needed products and services to business owners and your neighbors. Thanks to labor saving devices and machines, extensive research and investment, we have created a new company that will help you survive unemployment and then prosper like never before in the future. With invention, research, mechanical developments and technology our company can now have manufactured a compatible inkjet or toner printer cartridge for pennies on the dollar. We maintain an International Bureau of Research for the sole purpose of discovering the profit opportunities within the consumable printer cartridge market. We discovered what was going on inside the factories around the world and the distributing warehouses around the world and found the new American Gold Mine. In this time of opportunity you can become your own inkjet and toner printer cartridge dealership and buy factory wholesale direct. This puts you in place to make money by selling name brand inkjet and toner printer cartridges to your family, friends and local business owners. If you would like to learn a lot more, write the author [email protected]
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 15:04:20 +0000

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