The planet is in meltdown and the climate engineers are doing - TopicsExpress


The planet is in meltdown and the climate engineers are doing everything they can to hide this fact. This includes the use of toxic chemicals and metals in the creation of engineered snow storms. While main stream media (and unfortunately even many “independent” media sites) are falsely claiming the planet is cooling, the bigger picture is clear for any that choose to look past climate engineering and media hype. While it was snowing in northern Florida recently, Alaska was experiencing its warmest January on record. While the climate engineers and their Weather Channel cheer leaders were doing their best to keep the focus on the parade of theatrically named engineered “winter” storms, Australian had its warmest year on record. In fact, the bottom line on planet earth is this, it is getting hotter fast. Although the climate engineers and their media friends can fool many with their engineered chemical storms and spun media hype, Earth has just had its 37th consecutive year of above normal temperatures and has had 346 consecutive months of above normal temperatures, period. The geoengineers can create profound short term cooling, but it comes at the cost of a completely contaminated planet and a worsened overall warming. The power structure and main stream media has changed their mission from disclosing the warming to suit their agenda, to one of doing everything they can to hide the warming as they have now invested all on climate engineering. Those that wish to have any chance of a future for themselves and their posterity need to help with the effort to expose and stop climate engineering. This fight will take all of us and the battle must be won or it will soon enough be game over.“The climate is coming apart,” Dane says. As Earth’s Sixth Extinction Event gathers unstoppable momentum, atmospheric scientists and orbiting asronauts are puzzled by ongoing “global dimming” that has reduced photosynthesis as much as 22% while industrial pollution continues to decline. Professor Alan Robock worked on the dimming dilemma with its discoverer, Prof. Farquhar. Now this Rutgers University professor declares that geoengineering “could create disasters, damaging the ozone layer and potentially altering the stratosphere by eliminating weather patterns such as the annual Asian monsoon rain season, which two-billion people rely upon to water their crops and feed the population. “If you fiddle with the radiative balance of the planet, you affect all sorts of circulation patterns like monsoons, which would have horrible effects on people,” Dr. Peter Cox at the Hadley Centre Met Office concurs. “So it would be extremely difficult, in fact impossible, to cancel out the greenhouse effect just by carrying on pumping out particles.” [BBC Apr 19/09] Changes in long-established wind patterns are already being mirrored by changes in closely coupled ocean currents, which are starting to deliver warming waters to regions where Dane Wigington reminds us, “vast undersea methane deposits… hold life on Earth in the balance. “People have to be made to understand that they are standing at the very end of the plank,” this tireless activist concludes. “The manipulation of Earths natural systems, which support all life, are being manipulated to breaking points. The insanity of global geoengineering must be stopped. Like · · Share · 34 minutes ago · Edited · Kenneth Thornton and Margo Emporellis like this. Margo Emporellis I dont think they can play God YET!!! I know they are trying hard, but I think our Lord has the upper hand on them thus far, they will try and they will hurt many but God they are not and they will never Lucifer on the other hand YES they share that DNA, But I still believe Our Lord can beat them all down where they belong, he is already watching it happen slowly but surely. Have faith! Like · · Promote · Share James E Wenger likes this. Margo Emporellis Many think and believe that earthquakes, tsunamis, and such are new war experiments, can they really cripple so many 3rd world countries to try things out? yea ok but what about NJ? and other towns within our borders..... I dont think they have that kind of power YET! Im sure they will though....................... 10 hours ago · Edited · Like Kurt Pantaleo Actually the floods in Colorodo last year were chemically engineered so who is to say about Sandy?
Posted on: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 23:16:08 +0000

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