The popular saying that money is the root of all evil is not - TopicsExpress


The popular saying that money is the root of all evil is not correct as far as I am concerned. Money is not an evil substance and so it cannot be the root of all evil what is really evil is the lack of accountability by those who handle cash. Humans forget that their memory is limited to forget and fail in storing certain information in their long time memory which being the best storage in human memory can still forget information if it is not use in a long period of time. Over time innocent person have being charged with fraud and non-corruptible personnel have been charged with embezzlement for lack of record keeping and unaccountability. Record keeping is an essential thing in life that can stop lot of headaches if well carried out. It the manner we handle money and failure to account for it that cause evil not the money. Good record keeping as a way of making one overcome some challenges, decisions an accountable person can easily make based on the record he kept will be difficult for an unaccountable person because he has no record of how he run his finance. Accountability also help in fraud dictation and provide evidence against false accusation of embezzlement which cause the evil the general saying talk about, and that can be avoided when proper record is kept. The essence of this article is to make you understand money is not the root of all evil and to also stop you from using that saying and to start keeping proper account of how money goes in and out in your finance so you won’t be caught unaware of any misconduct happening in your business, with your salary/wages and also with your contract check. Remember that proper account can be kept by everybody no matter how low or high your income and expenditure is even student must be accountable in the little they get from family and friends. Take a step further on this subject and read How to Prepare a Budget and be kind enough to share this as well
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 05:53:18 +0000

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