The post about The Alexander Technique below, has raised many - TopicsExpress


The post about The Alexander Technique below, has raised many questions. The comments are interesting.Leslie Miller Comments about this are important.Adrian Farrell Alexander Technique commented on this. Robert RickoverAlexander Technique Global August 15 at 6:09am · Im posting this because it illustrates how easily Alexander Technique ideas can be misunderstood and misrepresented to the public. To me the interesting question is: What would you want to say to this person? And, because the video is on YouTube, you can say it. Improve your posture with Alexander Technique Stand up tall and exude body confidence with this easy move from Alexander Technique to improve your posture. Subscribe to my channel: youtube/per... youtube LikeLike · · Share Eduardo Huerta Rangel likes this. Acqua Balance i was in an office planning day, during the break another member of staff said hed done the AT during an acting course, and started to teach an unrelated exercise like this. this has nothing to do with the AT!!! August 15 at 6:15am · Like · 2 Angela Bradshaw Oh dear, just watched it through and it most definitely is NOT the AT in any way, quite the reverse. A complete misunderstanding. Are you going to comment on the video Robert? Shes not a qualified teacher, she makes it fairly clear that she learned this at school over 6 weeks. But even so, we dont need help like this in our work! August 15 at 6:20am · Like · 2 Tim Soar One wonders who her Alexader Technique teacher was ... Interesting how her voice becomes so constricted around 1:40 and 1:55, and then, after she says you cant walk around like this all the time and lets go a little, around 2:43 her voice reappears. August 15 at 6:24am · Like · 4 Larissa Katriina Lee Oh no... August 15 at 6:45am · Like Donald Higdon If she flips her hair one more time, Im going to kill her. Total bonehead. August 15 at 8:16am · Like · 1 Signe Gad My goodness!! Just entered this group - thanks for having me - and what do I see: this horrific video. I´ll look forward to see discussions about Alexander Technique......... August 15 at 8:30am · Like Adrian Farrell So why has no one left a comment? I will do later when Im at the computer, and Ill do my best to be diplomatic and nice. August 15 at 8:38am · Like Angela Bradshaw Yes, thats why I havent left a comment yet...Im sure her intentions were good, but.... *sigh* unable to come up with a suitable response so far today! August 15 at 9:02am · Like · 1 Adrian Farrell Alexander Technique comment left August 15 at 9:15am · Like · 1 Petrea Warneck Oh boy do I have a few things to say. Let me calm my thoughts first....breathe Petrea. August 15 at 9:21am · Like · 1 Adrian Farrell Alexander Technique Please be courteous if leaving a comment on her video August 15 at 9:22am · Like · 2 Petrea Warneck There would be no reason not to be courteous. August 15 at 9:27am · Like · 1 Tom Koch This video has been removed by the user. Mission accomplished? August 15 at 9:52am · Like · 5 Adrian Farrell Alexander Technique Blimey!!!!!!!! August 15 at 9:54am · Like · 1 Adrian Farrell Alexander Technique did anyone else leave a comment or was it just me? August 15 at 9:54am · Like · 1 Signe Gad Thanks. I also wrote a comment. With courteousness. August 15 at 9:55am · Like · 3 Angela Bradshaw What did you say??? Anyway glad its removed August 15 at 9:56am · Like Adrian Farrell Alexander Technique Hi, I think its great that you want to get the Alexander Technique out there, but as a certified teacher I have to question the idea that flattening your back against a wall has anything to do with the Alexander Technique. Our spines are designed to be curved, its how it absorbs vertical shock. Also, at the core of AT is the idea of non-doing, that our natural postural mechanisms work just fine if we dont interfere with them with tension habits that are picked up over the years. The exercise you suggest is a huge doing and encourages someone to add more tension into their system, exacerbating or creating a new problem. As you said yourself, we cant walk round like that forever, and that should be the clue that something isnt right about it, AT offers ease and greater freedom, not further restriction. August 15 at 10:00am · Like · 15 Lenny Golightly Might be a side effect of the media shyness of the AT world - Robert being the positive exception, providing a treasure trove of useful information. If AT is truly a skill for life (which I subscribe to), it might be just about time that experienced teachers dare to learn how to deal with this new media thing. Unless, of course, this would disturb their comfort zone. August 15 at 10:02am · Like · 3 Adrian Farrell Alexander Technique well, myself and Angela have our own YouTube videos August 15 at 10:04am · Like · 3 Adrian Farrell Alexander Technique see above Clare August 15 at 10:05am · Like Angela Bradshaw Like your response Adrian and yes Lenny agree we need to share more publicly! It was definitely out of my comfort zone to be on video talking about AT but glad I dared do it even though am sure there was much room for improvement in my own case! August 15 at 10:08am · Like · 4 Adrian Farrell Alexander Technique me too, I was terrified being in front of the camera August 15 at 10:09am · Like · 1 Angela Bradshaw Its a very strong stimulus August 15 at 10:10am · Like · 1 Jose Guijarro I can NOT find video in youtube where is the video August 15 at 10:22am · Like Lenny Golightly Leaving the AT bubble, and dealing with normal people while trying to explain what its all about is certainly a massive stimulus. Yet without challenging ourselves, leaving our own comfort zones we might look a bit hypocritical with the claims Alexander made about his technique, and many of us refer to. I got a bit frustrated with the responses I got during my teacher training in this respect. I didnt want to single out Robert, I just got the impression hes most prolific and persistent in offering perspectives what this work is about, while others appear less interested after giving the media thing a go once, even if they have more time for those things as their teaching practice doesnt feed them. Sorry in advance if someone feels offended by this post. August 15 at 10:23am · Like · 5 Mary Naden video has been removed. Wish I could take the challenge. August 15 at 10:30am · Like · 1 Adrian Farrell Alexander Technique yes, it was removed because of the comments we left. August 15 at 10:31am · Like · 1 Kit Racette I am sorry not to have seen it.... I wonder now what the person who posted it feels about the AT community and what she learnt.. August 15 at 10:45am · Like Adrian Farrell Alexander Technique I did consider writing to her and asking if shed like some help in doing a new one. August 15 at 10:47am · Like · 3 Adrian Farrell Alexander Technique Hi Kristen, I saw that you removed your Alexander Technique video after myself and another teacher left comments querying the validity of the exercise. I certainly dont want to seem unhelpful so if you ever feel like doing a version 2 please feel free to talk to me about it and Ill offer what ever help I can, Im sure you could do a great video. Kind regards, Adrian Farrell August 15 at 10:57am · Like · 7 Adrian Farrell Alexander Technique P.S. Ive just notice you are London based, I have a practice on Regent Street, why not pop in for a free lesson to make up for it, I recognise you put a lot of work into your videos August 15 at 10:57am · Like · 10 Robert Rickover Im glad others left comments and, as noted, mission accomplished. Im too much the bad cop to do that effectively August 15 at 11:25am · Like · 2 Acqua Balance I said (politely) that it takes 3 years of full time study to become an AT teacher, that this exercise does not have anything to do with the AT and that her misrepresentation of what the Technique is was not educating the public with the benefits of the Technique. I encouraged her to remove references to the Technique if she thought this video was beneficial to her followers. i tend to call a spade a spade August 15 at 11:57am · Like · 7 Magdalena Portmann Adrian, I like your letter and offer of a free session! August 15 at 12:13pm · Like · 4 Barbara Curialle I just tried checking it:: The video has been removed by the user. August 15 at 1:13pm · Like · 1 Donald Higdon The YouTube listed her web site. Did anybody get that? Immediately on seeing her YouTube, I had to go out for the day. August 15 at 3:26pm · Like Adrian Farrell Alexander Technique Give her a break, she was misinformed, but shes only trying to promote her health channel. Its hard coming up with new content all the time and she got it wrong this time. I dont think shes intentionally evil August 15 at 3:33pm · Like · 2 Robert Rickover Adrian, youre the best good cop! August 15 at 4:04pm · Like · 3 Signe Gad I just commented, that to find out what AT is about, I would recommend to find a fully qualified teacher, who went through a 3 year practical training course That one could find such a teacher by checking whether he/she is a member of an internationally approved organisation. Thanks for trying, but the video is showing what AT is NOT. + i gave Adrian Farrell thumbs up. August 15 at 4:52pm · Like Signe Gad I´ve been thinking for years, what´s the interesting image to film to illustrate AT. I couldn´t think about something more boring than watching someone working on the chair, and we´ve seen quite a few videos with this content. Not really interesting for a person, who is watching, don´t have any experience with AT, and who can´t see, that hundred things are going on inside the pupil and the teacher. It´s like filming the taste of chocolate. Easy to film the chocolate - but the taste, the experience? One day I´ll come up with something. Respect for all of you, who give it a go! August 15 at 5:00pm · Like · 1 Adrian Farrell How about the closing scene in the Usual Suspects with Kevin Spacey? August 15 at 5:12pm · Like · 3 Robert Rickover Havent seen it - but Im sure youre better... August 15 at 5:13pm · Like Signe Gad Surely a reason to see that movie, can´t wait! August 15 at 5:14pm · Like Annie Turner I am so, so, so - and did I say so? - glad I didnt see it! I think your responses to her were truly lovely, but I admit that I would have had trouble with my adrenaline! Its so hard to capture our work on film - stills or movie - but yes, it would be lovely to do more, but which branch….? Were already a rich organisation of AT methods and approaches, so I hope, when we do get the TV programme (surely another one soon; 1983/4 is far too long ago!), we can present an equally rich and exciting view of our work, one that is as exciting as medicine or theatre - a huge variety within the one arena. But Please, No Posture Training!!! August 15 at 6:39pm · Like Larissa Katriina Lee I wrote on her Facebook site clearly and kindly that as an certified A.T. teacher I can tell you that this is not A.T. August 15 at 11:09pm · Like Adrian Farrell And please nothing to do with acting! August 16 at 4:06am · Like Adrian Farrell Alexander Technique so, she never did get back to me and take me up on my offer, her loss 10 mins · Like
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 11:29:04 +0000

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