The post about toxic plants got me thinking about how animals can - TopicsExpress


The post about toxic plants got me thinking about how animals can sometimes look well on the outside but have extensive damage or disease occurring on the inside, and because they cant tell us it hurts or they feel off colour, we dont know about some conditions until they are end stage. Organ damage isnt always easy to see, often there are no outward symptoms until its too late, and a lot of the time its through no fault of the owner. But what bugs me is people who deliberately do things that are KNOWN to have serious risk, just because theyve never seen the results for themself, so they assume it wont happen. Cant count how many times Ive heard but my dog loves eating chocolate/grapes/onions etc, and hes fine! or other similar things. What some people dont realise is that they dont know what damage is occurring on the inside, or what amount it takes for toxicity to occur. Chocolate toxicity for example, requires a certain amount of chocolate according to the weight of the animal before youll see acute poisoning symptoms, and also varies depending on what kind it is. So what may not bother a big dog could kill a small dog or cat, and while a large dog might be fine eating a block of milk chocolate, a few squares of dark chocolate could make it extremely ill. And what damage is it doing over the long term? When their pet is suffering organ failure in 5 years, will they stop and think about the things they fed it despite the known risk, all because they thought they knew better? Another common one... I give my pets cooked bones all the time, never had a problem yet! The key word is yet - youre just very lucky! When it goes wrong, it goes horribly wrong... bones stuck in throats, lacerated mouths, perforated stomachs or bowels, many of those very painful and requiring expensive surgery to fix. I always think - why risk it? Sigh. What do others think about this?
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 08:01:53 +0000

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