The posted video clip is for a very good song by Bill Callahan. He - TopicsExpress


The posted video clip is for a very good song by Bill Callahan. He was local to this area, since his parents both worked for the National Security Agency (NSA). I believe he now lives in Texas. Callahan was featured, along with other songwriters, in a Washington Post article last summer (around the Fourth of July) called ‘The Songwriters at the End of the World’. Below are the time-signals that increased in occurrence today (so far) and part of yesterday evening. 9:41 “Anyone who gives you a cup of water will not lose their reward.” 17 occurrences 9:04 (as Romans 9:4) “…the people of Israel. Theirs is the adoption to sonship; theirs the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship and the promises.” 14 occurrences 2:41 One can be easily “liberated from samsara” (the “ocean of birth and death”) through the Lord. 14 occurrences From the Bhagavad-Gita (Hindu scripture) 7:11 “You have chosen your thoughts well and should focus more steadily on your objectives,” 12 occurrences There’s that objectives statement again! I have to pray more often about this. The meaning of two 1’s and a 7 is taken from the writings of Doreen Virtue, a numerology expert. 7:32 “Please be free from concern.” 11 occurrences 7:26. “You are foolish if not listening to the words of the Lord.” 11 occurrences 12:10 “power is perfected in weakness” 11 occurrences 12:32 “The Ascended Masters are working with you as co-creators of your new project; they share your excitement and know that everything is working out well for you.” 10 occurrences (numerological meaning of a few 2’s and a 3) 11:32 “Mercy on all.” 10 occurrences 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” 7 occurrences 7:31 “This world in its present form is passing away.” 6 occurrences 12:20 “This week’s sky at a glance.” 6 occurrences 1:32 “Spirit came down from heaven as a dove and remained on him.” 6 occurrences 2:13 “Put your trust in him.” Another meaning: “Add salt to all your offerings.” 6 occurrences 2:44 “The Kingdom of God will endure forever.” 5 occurrences 2:47 “revealer of mysteries” 5 occurrences 3:26 Interesting quote from Iron Man, a Marvel Comics character (the same quote mentioned at least a few times before) 5 occurrences 6:43 and 7:18 “There is no good tree which produces bad fruit.” 5 occurrences 3:19 “Light has come into the world.” 4 occurrences 9:50 (Mark 9:50) “You must have the qualities of salt among yourselves.” 3 occurrences 3:16 “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son.” 3 occurrences 3:31 “He who comes from heaven is above all.” 3 occurrences 7:16 “By their fruit you will recognize them.” 3 occurrences new 12:06 article about a ‘Green Climate Fund’ priceofoil dot org/2014/12/06/lima-exploration-finance https://youtube/watch?v=Z8nYgsR8Yu4
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 21:49:12 +0000

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