The power companies behind the mad destructive panic to find and - TopicsExpress


The power companies behind the mad destructive panic to find and market our gas, fuel, electricity etc are now in charge of our governments .. They are the same financial giants that are behind the GMO agenda the arms trade hence the wars that raid the natural resources of the countries they force democracy on - its a global empire, its a secret society cabal of super rich elite who sit on the boards of all the big corporations and control the whole financial world, they are the banksters they are the most sophisticated intelligent organised criminals the world has ever known - they create financial collapses of whole continents - its sinister its evil its unfettered blind capitalism ! - they topple peoples organised cultures and work in secret to bring about regime change and install their own puppet governments who advance their agendas - they kill, blackmail, bribe and own governments over most of the world (they want Iran, hence Syrian civil war) they would of invaded if the people of the uk had not of told our minority government to not support the fascist democracy of the USA this time - Obama is pissed off with Cameron and Cameron is pissed off with us who think and protest - they are changing laws and creating new laws to stop us (true democracy .. Free speech) they are gearing up for civil war in so called civilised countries because they know what they intend to do - and they know we wont like it - we are considered as their property, we are cattle to consume products and work the machines they need us until we are dispensable - they keep us divided by promoting racism, nationalism, patriotism, class systems, religious conflicts and more and more - they fear us uniting in a common bond of human family with no division - they want one world power we want one world peace ! - war is the means to keep their power - the different political parties and ruling governments are all one club, we are fooled by voting for different individuals who laugh at our unawareness .. As we awake to the reality of this world and unite together we become the enemy, terrorists, against established order - an order that enslaves us all to a half life that is under attack, our bodies are poisoned by many of their products our minds are programmed by their media and tv and a host of celebrity ego functions our water is polluted to suppress our pineal (third eye) glands from actively knowing our true natures we are spiritual beings under constant attack from forces that must stop us growing and developing a new age of love for their own survival ! They are masters of wealth and power and will not relinquish that for the benefit of human kind - they are mostly psychopaths of one form or another ! Modern civilisation is a cult, we are all indoctrinated into from birth - we continue to indoctrinate our children. - humanity, all other life forms (species) our brothers and sisters souls we continue to blindly destroy our environment, our Mother Earth - until we awake and change our ways and speak with fire in our words that touch the souls of sleeping minds and set free the spirit of life and health and freedom - we go beyond the confines of this world and we see the truth of illusion and what is being done - we remember we came here for a reason !
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 10:52:32 +0000

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