The practice of concentrated attention and control of the breath - TopicsExpress


The practice of concentrated attention and control of the breath leads ultimately to awareness of the Pran currents underlying our physical frame and the whirlpools of Pran energy emanating from the chakras. An illuminated Yogin is conscious of chakra activity most of the time and he can actually hear the flux of chakra vibrations humming about his spine. This fact has promoted dozens of Tantric meditational systems where the student acting on the as if principle visualises the chakras in meditation and moves the energy around with his mind, primarily to gain some access to higher levels of consciousness but also to assist in the healing and rejuvenation of bodily tissues whenever necessary. Tibetan Tantric knowledge is second to none. The Tibetan systems are almost unique in their knowledge of the power of sound and the close relationship of certain sound syllables with the natural vibrational frequency of each spinal chakra. Accordingly, in most Tibetan Buddhist meditations, not only is the breath visualised as penetrating the chakras, but by inwardly uttering the appropriate sounds the meditator can tune-in to the individual frequency of each, thus paving the way for an eventual full conscious realisation. These sound seed-syllables are not to be taken lightly and anyone considering honing the edge of some cynicism at this point should forget about it or read the a tabloid newspaper instead. The most powerful and liberating sound to issue from the lips of Humankind is the Holy syllable of OM. OM has the power to connect, as it were, the Mind/Energy fields of our desire created being with the desireless Absolute. It is no exaggeration to say that a determined seeker denied all access to spiritual teachings or ritual could, in fact, liberate himself through the practice of OM alone. So be it. Therefore we must approach and surround the syllable OM with great respect. OM is the central and ultimate Mantric Key to Hindu and Buddhist Tantric practice and has filtered down in somewhat mutated form into Christian worship as the finalising Amen. So be it. OM is the primordial sound of timeless reality which vibrates within us from the beginingless past and which reverberates within us, if we have developed our inner sense of hearing through the perfect pacification of our mind. It is the transcendental sound of the inborn law of all things, the eternal rhythm of all that moves, a rhythm in which law becomes the expression of perfect freedom. Lama Anagarika Govinda. The correct pronunciation of OM is indicated by the dot placed over the M. This indicates that the proceeding vowel is nasalised and carries on through the M producing phonetically the sound AUMNG. The short vowel A is common to all the spinal chakras but OM reverberates naturally with the Ajna chakra between the eyebrows raising the refined vibrations of this level of mind up into the unspeakable luminosity of the Crown Centre or Thousand Petalled Lotus. With this meditation we are once again entering the realms of as if. A full awakening to the levels of consciousness associated with the higher chakras is the result of a profound psychic metamorphosis wrought by the power of unleashed Kundalini. This is a state of grace experienced by very few. Nevertheless the Pran vortices of the spinal chakras are common to all. Our physical being is ultimately the product of mind and by mental visualisation in meditation we can learn to utilise the energy of the chakras for our mental and physical good health. The Navel chakra is RAM The Heart chakra is YAM The Throat chakra is HAM And the Third Eye vibrates with the short A which naturally extends to produce AAAAAUMNG (OM), thus raising our visualisation to embrace the Crown Centre. This is an extract from Into The Wind, by karma Tashi Thundrup.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 13:04:30 +0000

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