The practice of sacrificing animals in the name of propitiating - TopicsExpress


The practice of sacrificing animals in the name of propitiating gods and goddesses can of course be stopped if some serious effort is made but striking at the root cause is much more important. Therefore, efforts have to be made to dismantle the sinful rite beings performed secretly. Unless this is done, they will continue to cause serious illness to people who in turn will keep on sacrificing the mute animals in order to ward off the fear of being possessed by evils spirit or ghosts. So my dear brethren, this sinful rite is being performed at a secret place where these mahajans have built eighty four lakh Kundis filled with blood and pus. But you people believe that, that is the place where Heaven and Hell exist. So at that secret place, a demoniac rite is performed at the behest of the banias and the members of their families. This mystical rite is the same as Ravana performed across the seas. No one else except the mahajans know about this mystical rite because that secret place is accessible only to the people of this rich merchant community. With the diabolic power of their secret ritual, they have been able to spread all kinds of superstitious beliefs among the people of the world. Afraid of the evil spirits, people are sacrificing animals to propitiate gods and goddesses and in this way millions of innocent animals are being killed. Evil spirit and ghosts are nothing but the creation of the mahajans. With their demoniac power they can make people dream even during day time. Even the departed souls appear in their dream. It is all due to the influence of the sinful rite. Ravana was first to engineer such dreams or nightmares. This is nothing but a mere magical feat almost similar to the tricks of a street juggler who turns a people into a coin. These unscrupulous people have acquired demoniac power to harm whomsoever they want to. They can curse an individual, a country, a continent or for that matter the entire world at their will. They are tormenting innocent men, animals and other living beings. This sinful rite is known by different names, such as, the Indrajal (black magic), the kafir vidya (the science of the infidel) etc. The purpose of giving different names to this sinful practice is to confuse people who do not know that in the past Ravana, Hiranyakashipu, Karun and others practiced it to force their will on the people during their respective period. But these banias have gone much further in their evil design. They keep their activities, a closely guarded secret. Earlier I too was confused and did not know about their sin. Because then I had not experienced torture at their hands. Now that I have undergone a lot of pain and torture, I can write about what I have experienced. They have perpetrated the worst kind of wickedness. I am therefore repeatedly warning you to beware of their nefarious designs. They are harming the world and its people. I have come to know of their secret sins and I want to tell you about it. You are seeing with your own eyes the havoc that they have played with the world. You can ascertain from the various kingdoms and principalities which have borne the brunt of their secret operation and you will find that they have caused a lot of harassment to many old men and women by describing them as ogres and ogresses. Even in a small village between fifties and a hundred old men and women have been declared as monsters. In big cities the number is much higher. Thus the aged persons who should have been respected and venerated are given a bad name so that people could be instigated to kill them. The banias are causing a variety of serious diseases by their demoniac magic and blaming the old persons for people’s suffering by describing them as witches and hags. They secretly inject a kind of feeling in the old persons who start believing that they are really ogres and ogresses. They themselves Tell others that they are monsters and vampires. They do so under the influence of the demoniac power of banias. Instead of accepting whatever they say, we have to think how it is possible for a person, old and decrepit, sitting at a distance or even at close quarter to eat up the heart of the other person even without moving his hand. But these banias instill such horrendous ideas in the minds of the people so that they will fight and kill each other. Then they will have the absolute control over the rich resources of the world. The practice of torturing and killing old men and women branded as monsters has somewhat declined since the advent of the Britishers. They have stopped this practice openly, because they are afraid that the Britishers will soon understand their game plan and expose them. But secretly and in some other form they are still causing pain and suffering to the people by their mystical power with the result that people are getting ill and dying at a very young age. Ravana had set an unfavorable combination of planets to bring misfortune to the world and the poor and helpless people who were held responsible for that, were tortured at the hands of other. Similarly, these mahajans are getting the old men and women killed by branding them as monsters. So, the people of the world! I want you to think over it seriously. You know, when people came to know about the evil deeds of Ravana, they killed him and wiped out his entire clan. Those who possess demoniac power can control the rain and even death and can do anything at their will. If we do not make efforts to meet their challenge then this life is not worth living. Everyone in this world has been blessed with full span of life. And accordingly, death should come to all at a very ripe age. But the banias, like Ravana, have controlled death. Earlier a son never died before his father. But now a son dies even when his father is still alive. Why is it so? God, the Almighty, is still the same. But these banias have indulged in sinful acts and the consequences are obvious. The people of the bay gone ages were pious souls. They were deeply religious. They were God incarnate. See, how are the people of the present age showing reverence to them? By sacrificing he-goats and other animals at their holy shrines. This is not a religious act but a sin committed by them. By committing this sin they are only bringing bad name to the pious souls. If people want to show respect to them and their shrines, they should do good to others and offer them or your own children sweets and delicious food. If some pious soul had been born in your family, do some good in his name and offer food to Brahmans, or Sadhus and others. Do not torture any animal or other living beings. People, whose sense of judgement has been destroyed by the banias, commit this sin. They cannot discriminate between right and wrong and between the virtuous and the vicious. If somebody tries to stop them from killing animals they become wild with rage. They would not listen to a sane advice. They don’t feel motivated to do such things as would make others happy and please God. They are more easily inclined to do something which is sinful. Devoid of right thinking under the demoniac influence of the banias, they do not realize that they are doing something wrong. Because of their sins they are deprived of children. God is merciful to all alike and has blessed everybody with children. It is their sins which are responsible for their remaining childless. In the Sat-yugano one was childless. The present phase in which some people are deprived of the happiness of having children is due to the diabolism of the banias. Those men or women who do not have children are advised by them to offer a he-goat or any other animal to some god or goddess. When they follow their advice and kill the animal to propitiate the god or the goddess, and a child is born to them, they start believing that they have been blessed with a child because they had sacrificed an animal in the name of their family deity. If on the other hand on child is born to them in spite of their sacrificing an animal, they begin to blame their fate. They will have only a deaf ear to turn to any sensible advice as long as they are under the influence of demoniac hold of these unscrupulous people. They are committing sin by sacrificing an animal but they think that they are performing a religious act. They fail to understand that by perpetuating this sin, they will only be losing their existing offspring. They should desist from this and do some truly religious act. Ravana used his demoniac power to make people follow his plan. He prompted people to perform animal-sacrifice and desecrated gods and goddesses by throwing bones etc. on them. He made people sick and told them that gods were displeased with them and asked them to propitiate those gods with bones of animals. The banias of the present era have gone far beyond. They have persuaded people to sacrifice animals and offer their blood and bones to different gods and goddesses. They themselves are performing their sinful rite secretly somewhere in the seas. By their mystical rite they have fuddled the minds of the people who are indulging in all kinds of abominable activities including animal sacrifice and exorcism. As a result, innumerable problems have cropped up. These problems and insurmountable difficulties will keep on crossing our path so long as the secret operation of the merchant community is not dismantled. The place of this ritual is absolutely secret and is accessible to these banias and no one else. This is the reason why their activities are a mystery to the people of the world. You will be doing a great deal of good to the world and the coming generation if you get united and demystify their secret designs. In the bygone eras, there was a lot of wealth-gold, silver and money. Where has that wealth gone? Earth is the same as it was then. Where has the entire money gone? Money is not something which is melted or eaten up. It only changes hands on spending. You all know that in those days the world had abundant riches and a number of gold and silver mines. The saudagar-mahajans, the merchant and money lending community, have gobbled up all the riches. The mines of the precious metals have disappeared to a great extent. These mines are the essential fat of Earth’s body. By performing the sinful rite targeted against Mother Earth, they have dried up this fat. So you must ponder over it seriously. Where have the gold and silver mines in each country gone? There were mines of precious stones like diamond, ruby, opal, emerald etc. which are not be seen now. These minerals are bones of Mother Earth. In those days when Earth was not visited by famine and drought, she enjoyed good health. These stones had attractive colors and resplendence. But now the continued illness of Mother Earth caused by these moneylenders has deshaped and distorted everything. The stones no more have that pristine beauty and resplendence. It is just like a man who loses his charm when he suffers from ill-health and becomes weak. The banias are having the secret ritual performed in order To damage and deteriorate Earth’s atmosphere. As a result, Earth is suffering from perennial illness. Ravana had hunted and tortured Shanishchara by his demoniac power. These banias are making me the target of their wrath and diabolism. They have destroyed the thinking power of the people by their sinful rite just as Ravana had done during his time. Deprived of wisdom, human beings are behaving like animals who cannot think. They have life but no wisdom. These crooked banias have spread the network of their Indrajal far and wide. They have caused sickness to Mother Earth and weakened all her vital parts. Nobody knows where those mines of precious metal and minerals have gone. The mines are not human beings or animals or birds that they have simply got up and left for some undisclosed destination. Nobody can hide them either. It is the effect of the Indrajal performed by these mahajans that Earth has become sick and all her precious mines have dried up. These unscrupulous people have blinded the whole world and so they cannot see through their trickery. The people of the world do not realize that earlier Mother Earth was healthy and that is why there were a good number of mines of metals and minerals. Now Mother Earth has become sick and so we do not find these precious mines any more. The mahajans know the secret of Earth’s illness because it is their doing. But others do not know because they have lost their power of thinking under the diabolic influence. Ravana did the same thing and that is why people knew nothing about Earth and her vital parts. The members of this trading community know fully well why Mother Earth has become so fragile. Ravana and the members Of his clan knew everything about the suffering of Mother Earth. In order to confuse the people, the banias have circulated some dubious literature claiming that these writing and almanacs are of ancient origin. People have been misguided by these books. They take their contents as gospel’s truth. All that I am writing about is what I have experienced and suffered. The whole world knows that the scriptures – the Vedas and other sacred writing are God’s creation. God gives the light of wisdom to all of us. He does not himself write a book. But these unscrupulous elements by means of their diabolism have polluted the minds of the people as a result of which they do not have love and affection for each other. This is not how we human beings should live. The so called ancient texts prognosticate that in the Kaliyuga food grains will be measured and sold in terms of number and not weight; water will be available on payment in measured quantity; the height of trees will be about an arm’s length and that of human being just four spans; the person in possession of one seer of bronze of iron will be considered as the richest man of the world. All these ominous things have been circulated through these dubious books. People in this age have great faith in the Gita. It is said that Lord Krishna opened his month and showed Arjuna the three worlds in it. This and many other irrational things have been circulated in order to mislead and confuse people at large. It is also said that Mother Earth approached Lord Krishna in the form of a cow and told him that she was very sad. Now just think over it in a rational manner. How can a human being or an animal change into some other creature? All living beings continue to remain in the forms in which they were created by God and do not change even when they die. So, they are all figments of imagination. Lord Krishna was like any other human being just as you and I are. His devotion and good deeds earned him godliness. There is another story. It is about a rishi (sage) named Gautama who lived long ago. He was a great devotee of God. It is said that on hearing the crowing of a cock in the wee hours he used to leave for the bank of the Ganga River to take a dip. It was his daily routine. The wife of the rishi was very beautiful and Lord Indra had an eye on her. One day, Indra asked the cock to crow at midnight when rishi Gautama heard the crowing of cock, he immediately left for the Ganga River. After the rishi had left, Indra came to his cottage with the intention of outraging the modesty of his wife Ahalya and asked Chandrama (the moon) to stand guard. When the rishi reached the bank of Ganga, she (Ganga) advised him to go back without losing time since something wrong was happening at his home. He rushed to his cottage. On reaching back, he found Indra inside his cottage while Chandrama was standing guard. A furious rishi Gautama cursed Chandrama and hit him with his dhoti. Some drops of water landed on Chandrama which made black spots on the face of the moon. He cursed his wife Ahalya and she turned into stone. She remained in that state for many years at the bank of Ganga. When Lord Rama visited Raja Janak, he came there and touched the stone with his foot, Ahalya was freed from the curse and came back to her original form. Now, just think, how a human being can turn into stone and how the stone can turn back into a human being again. There seems to be no end to such untruths and irrational stories being circulated among the people. How can I alone write about such things? The purpose of my writing this book is to open your eyes. You can decide for yourself whether these stories are true what I am writing is true. You, the people of world, should think judiciously and arrive at a conclusion whether my advice to you is correct or the version of the story about rishi Gautama and Lord Indra is convincing. Now, just listen what all they are up to. Legend has it that Gautama, the rishi, cursed Lord Indra and he became a leper. The Disease formed silvery scale on his skin and caused deformity to different parts of his body. He cursed the moon and its face was marked by black spots. Lord Ramachandra put his foot on Ahalya, who had turned into stone, and she regained her original form of a woman. And Ganga, the river, spoke to the rishi and advised him to rush back to his cottage. Now, God has given you mind. Just apply it and think how it is possible for Ganga, which is a river, to speak like a human being. And Chandrama (the moon) who is a source of light is said to have stood guard. Why should Chandrama have agreed to help Indra in his immoral act? The Ganga River is venerated because saints and sages have done penance and meditation on its bank. Otherwise, Ganga is like just any other river. The Ganga water is still clean and free from contaminating elements and pollutants. Water from any other river, when collected and stored deteriorates after some time. The reason why the Ganga water is still clean is because the mahajans have not so far made the river sick by their diabolic rite. Other rivers have been made sick by them and that is why their water deteriorates soon and insects and worms grow in it. The day when they decide to make the Ganga River sick and perform the sinful rite to curse Ganga, its water will lose its purity. They very much intend to do so and therefore they have circulated a prediction that a day will come when Ganga will lose its eminence and veneration and will disappear. The prediction about the disappearance of Ganga and the decline in its eminence foretells a time when the banias-mahajans will have the obnoxious rite performed resulting in severe contamination of the Ganga water. Just think, nature has given us clean and pure water in rivers. These unscrupulous people have polluted it by their sinful activity. They have made Earth sick. People know Indra as the personification of rain.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 06:07:34 +0000

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