The prayer for PEACE that I started in January 1990 was given - TopicsExpress


The prayer for PEACE that I started in January 1990 was given substance and inspired from Nelson Mandela and Pope Francis. My purpose on my prayer is to promote PEACE: Promote Peace Education And Clean Environment was to promote greater awareness on the virtues of humility, kindness and love. I knew my prayer as an individual initiative is not much, and I was glad to get introduced from news about Nelson Mandelas unconditional release from 27 years in prison. Knowing about Nelson Mandela made me believe that I will be witnessing a civil rights miracle for South Africa. I was seeing the virtues that I was promoting in my prayer from Nelson Mandela (humility, kindness and love). He surprised his supporters and admirers when he forgave and worked with his supposed enemies for the good of South Africa and to achieve his dream. We witness even after he died in 2013 a miracle like effect for South Africa for his legacy full of peace education value continue. Nelson Mandela died in 2013 but Pope Francis was born in Vatican. The legacy of St. Francis of Assisi was his inspiration full of humility, kindness and love. On Easter of 2013, Pope Francis reminded us to search the desert in our hearts. I wondered besides heartbeat, what we can find? Yes, we can find humility, kindness and love among other virtues. These virtues are universal to man and Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and even those with no religion can accept to respect and unite to work together for world peace and a for a safe environment (earth). Pope Francis further hinted that to live and apply these virtues can bring us good surprises. You the reader of this sharing is as important as Nelson Mandela and Pope Francis. May you be blessed with humility, kindness and love.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 00:46:08 +0000

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