The prayer smoke of readings past, clear from the presence of - TopicsExpress


The prayer smoke of readings past, clear from the presence of those with the talking stick. I reach into my medicine spread to receive the sacred healing bowl. This bowl is made of ancient red sequoia wood. The healing bowl is oblong, with petroglyphs markings of elk, deer and turtle on it. I sip the water of life from my medicine bowl, swirling it in my mouth, before i spit it out in a mist over the sacred fire. Sacred water spirits have now been transformed into sacred prayers of healing. The mist become medicine smoke. The dreamers of the southern skies look back at me through this medicine smoke. They speak to me of Kokopelli. “Aho friend who looks to this spirit medicine thread. Its Kokopelli from the great beyond, whistling his way into your life, asking you, what do you have to be great full with. What music of life have you passed along to the younger generation. Aho friend T.D. weve known each other in many forms together as 2legged. Aho friend T.D. – it is I kokopelli the muse of music and rain who call to your sacred medicine way. Has the dance of life found your feet. Has the rhythm of the thunder storms found your heart song. Has the man in your life set ablaze your medicine fire. I speak to you of fertility and spirit corps youve planted. How has the recovery process been. How have your sowed the seeds of life. Do I feel regret in your soul. NO! Do not regret the past medicine deeds. They did what they needed to do. And continue to do what they are doing. The great mystery that encompass all of creation is at work. Kokopelli plays his medicine flute calming the raging storm of medicine way, that sounds your energy body. This flute music soothing the ragging beast of spirituality. The beast is not to be feared, its heart space has be set aflame with the presence of the sun at its lowest light. This re-balancing force is furious with mop and broom sweeping out the old. Yet you hold onto things this beast wants to be free. Let these things go so they may return to you out of true love and not guilt or remorse. Kokopellis flute and our communal medicine song sing in harmony to the magical flute, leading us down the spirit trail to sacred mountain. Off in the distance great sacred mountain looms with dream weave energy. This tangible form of dream weave energy has found a space in your soul. Its asking you to express the inner journey to sacred mountain. Not with the medicine beast. But with Kokopelli in your heart, playing the music of life. The journey to sacred mountain is a test on the road to the rites of passage. Youve past this test of passage many time, yet you keep enforcing new pop quizzes on your self that seem to delude the accomplishments of life. The journey to sacred mountain has many red road memories attached to it. Many faces that have joined with your medicine spread. So many I cant make out who is past and who is present in your medicine spread. The power of youth is fueling this medicine beast with in. Take up Kokopellis role, plant the three sisters, Corn Squash and Beans, listen to the thunder beings who bring the rain. Know the orchestra of the universe is playing in tune with you. Your Kokopelli heart is know afar. Now is the time to know him with in you, on a very personnel level. Speak to the inner child, play in her sand box with her dolls, have lunch time tea with her, as she tells you of your future selfs in wait. Let her play the flute for you to sooth the rabid beast of unchecked spirituality. When it comes time to plant the 3 sisters, honor the past as your teacher and the present as your creation. And the future as your inspiration. Each sister of life represents something in your daily life that need time to grow with in the placenta of the great mystery. Sister corn help balance our needs to learn and relearn from the past growing seasons. Squash is the creation, for it can be pressed into many different forms of spirit food. Sister beans is the future, she can be preserved in many forms for those long cold winter nights when the ice beings seize the very air with bitter cold. The symbolic planting of spiritual crops is what lays at your feet of free willed choice. You must let all things have their time with the placenta of the void of great mystery. You must allow all things to grow and mature with their own way. This reading reflects you and the method of growth spurts you go into and out of. It is your responsibility to pick up the flute to calm your self. It is up to you to water your crops with the love connecting you to mother earth. It is your choice always to accept or dismiss anything the universe has to offer you. But when you dismiss your own accomplishments and struggle with the same lesson over and over again we become stuck, gnawing at the same bone over and over again. Soon we loose out teeth. Kokopelli is playing his flute leading you away from the inevitable loosing of your teeth, he shows you the fields of plenty where crops grow. Hes showing you the inner farmer, hes showing you an alternate way of connecting to the earth mother. There is no need to wear the warbonnet of life at all times. There is no need to wear the warrior moccasins all of your life. Kokopelli is reminding you there are other forms of prayer instead of the warrior chief with in you. Kokopelli is reminding you to see great mystery in the night time sky. Great mystery reminds us we are freewill co-creators in this dance of life. Sometimes the dance comes to a rhythmical pause. Can you recognize the pauses and sudden starts to this dance of life. When the fire of ceremony has ended and youve returned to your home, can you still connect to the dancer, dancing this dream we all live in? Great mystery lives with in every thing and every one. The forms may change but the energy of creation remains the same. Great mystery created great spirit to be the creative flow of the uniworlds, which include all levels of the universe and all understanding about the creative force of life. Great mystery will never be solved. Dream on dreamer.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 20:28:25 +0000

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