The president recently announced his intention to unilaterally - TopicsExpress


The president recently announced his intention to unilaterally reform immigration rules. Prior to this announcement it was reported that thousands of illegal immigrant unaccompanied minors were crossing the border and being detained. Prior to this announcement, 5 months before, GSA solicited for bids requesting room and board for thousands if immigrant unaccompanied minors. So there it is. Plan the crisis and the temporary solution, get the media to announce the dire need, and through it all, provide enough kids with the means to arrive. Dont think Im a foreign kid hater. If I was living a life that couldnt provide the basics for my children , Id be hitching a ride right along with them, or at least trying to get my kids to a place of hope. But having traveled the world under arms on a variety of war and humanitarian missions, I would expect resistance. Unfortunately, our leadership and its planners have organized an overwhelming influx so that all our border agents can do is rubber stamp and ship. They are moving these kids to wherever inland they have space and can get them into the local mix. Some have illnesses all but eradicated in our country, some have gang affiliation tattoos, some are criminals, and some have family already here. None have a means to self support. Most have minimal marketable skills due to their youth. Most have minimal education. All are expected to be forcefully assimilated in the near future. Meanwhile, back at the farm, Americans are criminalized for smoking weed, for yelling at a neighbor over dog poop, for refusing to walk between the lines at a corner, for filming unlawful actions by police, for driving without insurance, for being black, Latino, or oriental. Sometimes for being white. We get late night no-knock visits by SWAT teams and local warrant servers with flash bang grenades, one thrown into an occupied baby crib. Wrong address searches occasionally result in death of a homeowner defending his family. This, I suppose, is what they call collateral damage in the name if protection. We cannot protest in earshot of a politician if the secret service is around. Yet they are secret, so we dont know who they are if undercover. But we are authorized by the rulers and their badge wearers to protest from netted off areas placed in a way to keep the political establishment from being disturbed while spewing their twisted words of unreason in ambiguous certainty. We are be the proud owners of a police state growing stronger with their military equipment acquisitions, ammo buyouts, and sophisticated surveillance systems. The federal government provides the financial backing to any town willing to serve the greater need of its will. People can now illegally enter this country in 8 figure droves over a span of a decade or so and are protected from any actions while we fill our cages with Americans who lose hope as they see their livelihoods erode away. But the government wants to help by allowing the citizenry who have reached the point of hunger and hopelessness by giving them food and welfare. If course you have to jump through bureaucratic hoops first. Hopeless dependence handed to the people by the very hand that gave away our jobs to overseas factories and illegal immigrants. The same hand that stands at the border giving away money as a reward for violating our immigration laws and providing for the criminals well being. Our service members have been turned into political pawns. All politicians live to promise us what we were already promised. Rare is the one who actually pushes forth the action needed to take care of those who really need it. When bureaucrats dictate medicine to doctors and nurses, you are being treated by a business degree. So, for those of you who believe in our governments concern for Americans welfare, that they wont ever do any wrong by us, you are a part if the problem. You are not alone. Roughly 32% of you believe this. All 32% are wrong. Dont listen to the politician. Grab every statistic you can get your hands on and if you made it past 7th grade, a light will flicker. Believe in yourself first, then make them work for you. Now, we work for their means. Look at your pay stub for verification. Those blocks that say taxes. Are the evidence. Those taxes are gathered by the IRS, an unconstitutional taxation entity. It is also owned by bankers, foreign and domestic, and IS the basis of the International Monetary Fund. Who do you think the governments really protecting with their police funding? And why do you think an overwhelming tax fund dependent class of people are given open access to your earnings? Class dismissed.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 14:52:29 +0000

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