> The presidential election in February, 2015 is no doubt the - TopicsExpress


> The presidential election in February, 2015 is no doubt the best opportunity for an opposition party, the APC, a coalition of parties, namely AC, ANPP, CPC and a faction of APGA, to clinch the coveted post of the presidency in Nigeria. Under the prevailing situation in the country, with the ruling party, the PDP, in bad shape, the presidency is there for grab by the new formidable opposition. But this can only be achieved if the APC does not commit mistakes of playing into the hands of the PDP. This calls for selflessness on the part of the leaders of the APC and their presidential aspirants. The APC should by now know the best candidate they can sell to the public. Naturally, such a candidate should come from those leaders who had gone through thick and thin to form the party in the first place. One of these pioneers is Gen. Buhari of the CPC which merged with CAN, ANPP, and a faction of APGA. As it is, the APC and its founding fathers have accommodated new comers who I believe, should have kept away from contesting the presidential primary. But because the APC and its leaderships believe in the democratic process, the race was thrown open to all those who are interested in becoming the president, regardless of their initial contribution to the tortuous journey of getting the party recognized. In this connection, one would have thought that a consensus candidate would have been agreed upon, but the leaders opted for the primary in order to keep the party intact. Of all the candidates, Gen. Buhari remains on top because he is the one with notable exposure in the 36 states of the federation, including the FCT. His popularity in the North is legendary. He stands shoulder high in the fight against corruption and indiscipline for which he is also a legendary figure, not to mention his Spartan discipline. Nigerian needs Buhari more than Buhari needs Nigeria in her darkest hours of indiscipline, impunity and corruption. If the issues of indiscipline and corruption can be tackled with the vigor by which Buhari did when he was Head of State, Nigeria may be on its way to redemption. Therefore, his candidature will send jitters to the PDP who already know his position against corruption which had been the PDP’s trademark for 16 years! I can imagine some PDP politicians decamping to APC for fear of the unknown in Buhari’s presidency in 2015. A good advice for whoever picks the APC’s presidential ticket concerns the choice of his running mate. First advice is who should not be his running mate % a muslim and a Yoruba, if the APC must win the presidential election next year. Well meaning Nigerians have been advised against the volatile issue of a muslim%muslim ticket. Already the PDP has labelled APC a muslim party which we all know is not true. To present a muslim%muslim ticket is to give the PDP a potent weapon as a campaign issue. Remember that Obasanjo, a Yoruba, has just finished 8 years as president of Nigeria in 2007. This was to be followed by a candidate from the South or North. Now, the candidate is zoned to the North. Already a South%South is the incumbent president. For the purpose of fairness, a South%West should not be put forward as vice presidential candidate. This is where the South%East comes in. If they cannot clinch the presidential ticket, they should be considered for the V.P so as to give the South%East a sense of belonging. The APC is already solid in the South%West and the North. Because of Obasanjo who had just finished 8 years as president, the Yoruba, who are a sophisticated people, do not clamour for a position in the presidency, i.e. president or vice president, the latter being a potential president. Now, Rochas Okorocha would be a good candidate for the V.P except that he is already contesting as president. Rotimi Amaechi and Comrade Oshiomole are also good candidates, except that they come from the same zone with Jonathan who is the incumbent president. This leaves the best choice of V.P candidate to the South East if the party hopes to win votes from that zone. There are many important positions to be shared, but the bottom line is: no muslim%muslim ticket and no Yoruba as Vice-president. The APC should not downplay the role of electorate’s sensibilities on matters of this nature, for we are in Nigeria and not in the UK or America where deft political calculations do not matter. After all, what the APC wants is to send the PDP packing in 2015. This could be done not by political leaders but by the electorate who go to the polls under a combination of factors: religion and ethnicity which, in addition, would have the prevailing horrible economic, security and social crises for the parties, especially the PDP, to contend with. Pragmaticism is the sure philosophy here, that is if APC will win, the right choices of good and acceptable presidential and vice presidential candidates will do the work. No sentiment, selfishness, self help or carelessness. Our leaders must not disappoint us. If APC wins, all the members win; if it loses, all of them lose in a fell-swop. And lovers of APC may never forgive their leaders should they bungle this golden opportunity of ruling Nigeria for once and for a change. Thanks. Moses Akinola Makinde, FNAL Professor of Philosophy DG/CEO, Awolowo Centre for Philosophy, Ideology and Good Governance, Osogbo. Curled from the Nation Newspaper
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 07:23:51 +0000

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