The price of NFA rice, the projected increase in the MRT fare and - TopicsExpress


The price of NFA rice, the projected increase in the MRT fare and PDAF are the hot issues of today. As an ordinary government employee and a concerned citizen, I believed that it is time to increase the government’s price support of palay from the present 18.00/ kilo to 20.00/kilo while at the same time reducing the subsidy on rice at the selling price from 27.00/kilo to 32.00/kilo; after all there is hardly rice at 27.00/kilo in the market today except in Metro- Manila public markets. The twin move would make us self sufficient in rice as they would encourage farmers to plant more and insure that farm gate price of palay would be high as too much subsidy in rice dampened farm gate prices of palay while at the same time reducing the debt of the NFA. On the other hand I am not in favor of abolishing the PDAF or pork barrel but the release and implementation of the said fund should be to the concerned government agencies ONLY and not thru Non Government Organizations (NGOs). Since PDAF is a government fund, it follows that only the government and its instrumentalities that should implement on projects funded by PDAF. COA and the LGU where the PDAF funded project will be implemented will be responsible for the monitoring of the project. It is also high time that the subsidy on the MRT fair, which at present is the cheapest in the world, should be reduced (not abolished) to a reasonable level so that part of the present subsidy maybe used to buy more MRT coaches and in the improvement of roads in metro manila
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 01:44:28 +0000

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