The primary reason this world is the way it is is because all of - TopicsExpress


The primary reason this world is the way it is is because all of the people who have tried to change it have had one thing in common: They didnt know the truth. They were all believers of one type or another. They had to lean on sciences theory of evolution. Or they had to lean on The Bibles version of events. Or The Korans. Or on the Pentateuch, depending on where they were born. How diligent they were in erasing the effects of their environmental indoctrination is evident in the path they took to get from ignorance of Self to knowledge of Self. As is their failure to catalyze their desired change. Not to disparage anyone, but that is why we are all still here. Why all of this is still happening. Why things are wrong. All they could really do was open our eyes to the fact that something *was* wrong. What exact was wrong they had no idea. They thought it was Racism. Economic inequality. Prejudice. Segregation. The white mans God. The wrong God. The wrong holy book. The wrong interpretation of that holy book, etc. They came up with many solutions to the problem, but never truly identified it. As is evident in todays world, none of them actually worked. The solution to the problem has been elusive because the approach to the problem has been conventional and that is because none of them actually knew, the entire time, what the problem was and is. The problem, simply put, is ignorance; i.e. a lack of understanding. Ignorance of Self. Ignorance of Selfs origin. Ignorance of Selfs purpose. Ignorance of Selfs reason for being. Ignorance of the true nature and purpose of reality. Empty of knowledge. Devoid of understanding. Because of the cost of living and the instinct to survive, most people live as if they are the only individual alive. As if their life is the only life that matters. Or only the lives of those who believe like them. Or look like them. Or think like them. Ignorance of oneself is ignorance of ALL Selves. Hence the compartmentalized thinking amid the focus on superficial things. Most Selves dont realize how everything outside of Self is superficial. Including Selfs body. Your body is a vehicle, the Earth is our common road. This roads destination is somewhat fixed, but what you do while you travel is up to you. Everything you do you are also responsible for. At some point in our travel, the Selfs vehicle can go no further. But the road remains. The destination is the same. The trip is not over. Like we exchange cars in this superficial world, we exchange bodies outside of it. Everything physical is superficial, but you are not present here, in this now for superficial reasons. A happy, long, comfortable life is not your purpose. it is not ANY of our purpose. Though one may have it, it will merit nothing in the end. Self for self is to deny ones Self the very purpose of Selfs existence: Bliss. Joy. Ecstasy. Can a man who cares only for himself build a family? Can a woman? If such a one has a child, the child will hate them. Love will leave them. Friends will abandon them. Left to their own devices, such a one will pass from memory and effectively cease to exist. But if such a one cares for others much more than that ones own Self, their memory is eternal. People pass along their tale like words in a song to their children and their childrens children. Even now, thousands of years later, Selves still remember and pass on the memory of those whose names left marks on them: Lao Tzu. Confucius. Buddha. Zoroaster. Socrates. Jesus. They were the opportunities we have had. You are so much more than we have been allowed to grow. When you finally realize your true Self, you will recognize the Self in others. Then, when your Self connects with their Self, it will not be superficially, it will be invisibly, emotionally, irrevocably, true. When the dust settles, and this world, such as it is, is over, *then* the truth will be seen. Then the truth will be known. Because, then, there will be no more distractions. No more liars. No more lies. Until then, fare well.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 20:43:16 +0000

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