The principle: Whoever declares a Muslim as a Kafir becomes a - TopicsExpress


The principle: Whoever declares a Muslim as a Kafir becomes a Kafir!.. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم The Shaykh Abdullah ibnu Abdir-Rahman Abu Batin, was asked about the following narration: Whoever declares a Muslim as a Kafir becomes a Kafir! So he answered, may Allah extinguish his sins: “This wording has no basis in that, what we know from Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam), rather the well known Hadith reads as follows: Whoever says to his brother: O Kafir, so it falls back on one of them. And whoever declares someone as a Kafir, Fasiq or Munafiq because of a Tawil and to please Allah with it, so we hope for forgiveness for him. Just as it was in the case of Umar (radiyallahu anh) and Hatib ibn Abi Baltaah (radiyallahu anh), when Umar said to Hatib, that he is a Munafiq and also as happened to other Sahabah and others. But if someone declares a person as Kafir or Munafiq to please himself, without any Tawil, so it is feared for him. And whosoever declares the way of the Kuffar more correct than the way of the Muminun -therefore his intention is the same as the people of our time say: Verily, the act of the Mushrikin at the graves today, is better than someone who only invocate Allah and no one else!..- someone like that is a Kafir without any doubt. And therefore we say that the acts of the Mushrikin at the graves today related to invoking the dead in the graves, the request of fulfilling ones needs, ease in emergency, the sacrifice and pledges, are major Shirk and whoever does that is a Kafir. Those who are doing these ibadah at the graves are without any doubt Kuffar. Regarding the statement of the ignorant who say: You declare the Muslimin as Kuffar, that someone does not know Islam and the Tawhid. And outwardly displays the missing validity of someone saying this (i.e., Tawhid). Because, if someone does not judge the things which the Mushrikin do today, and does not find something against it, so that someone is not a Muslim.” (Majmuatu Rasail wa’l-Masail Najdiyya, 1/654-655) If somebody accuses another of Fusuq (by calling him Fasiq i.e., a wicked person) or accuses him of Kufr, such an accusation will revert to him (i.e., the accuser) if his companion (the accused) is innocent. Ibn Hajr says: And what is correct is that the Hadith was said as a warning against a Muslim saying that to his brother. It is said: What returns upon him is his speaking ill of his brother and the sin of declaring him a Kafir, and this is reasonable. It is also said: It is to be feared that this will lead him into Kufr, just as it is said, sins leads towards Kufr. Thus it is feared that if he continues in that and persists in it then he will have a bad end. I prefer from these sayings that it refers to the one who says it to someone from whom nothing is known except Islam and there is no justification or reason for him to claim that he is a Kafir. So in such a case he becomes a Kafir himself because of that, and this will be explained. So the meaning of the Hadith is that his judgement of Takfir returns upon himself, so what is meant is Takfir not Kufr. So it is as if he passed judgement of Kufr upon himself since he passed this judgement on one who is like him (i.e., a Muslim).” (Fathul-Bari 10/466) Whoever addresses a man with Kufr, or says Enemy of Allah and he is not that, then it returns back upon him (Muslim) Imam Nawawi said: They differ as regards interpretation of this returning, so it is said: Kufr returns upon him if he is making that lawful, and this is far from the context of the narration. And it is said: it is taken to refer to the Khawarij, since they declare believers to be Kafirun (disbelievers). (Sharh Sahih Muslim, 2/50) “Killing a believer is greater to Allah than the vanishing of the earth.” (Bukhari; Muslim; Tirmidhi; Ibn Maajah) Imam Nawawi quoted from Qadi Iyad that Malik bin Anas (radiyallahu anh) said that this Hadith is related with the Khawarij who were applying Takfir upon the Muslim. (Sharh Muslim, 3rd opinion) Ibn Hajar commented this and said: “What Malik had stated should be explained. Some among them make Takfir of those among the Sahabah which Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) had attested to their Islam and Jannah. This Takfir will also mean denying Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam)’s testimony and not making Takfir of them through Tawil.” (Fathu’l Bari, Babu Istitabatu’l-Murtaddin) Imam Abu Hanifah was asked about his stance towards someone who accuses him as being a Kafir and his answer is as follows: “Student: What will be your stance towards the one who witnesses your being Kafir? Please explain this. Ustadh (i.e., Abu Hanifah): My witnessing is regarding him being a liar. For this reason I would call him a liar and not a Kafir. It is because Haraam is two types: Haraam which is performed against Allah, (and) the Haraam which is performed againt the slaves. The Haraam which is performed against Allah is associating partners, rejection and Kufr. The Haraam which is performed against the slaves of Allah is the injustice between the slaves. The one who denies Allah and Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) does not necessarily have to be the same as the one who denies me. It is because the amount of sin that the one who denies Allah (Azza wa Jall) and Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) will be more than the sin which he would gain with denying all mankind. The person who witnesses that I am Kafir is a liar according to me. Him lying about me does not make it Halaal for me to lie against him. Yet Allah commands:let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety. (al-Maidah 5/8)” (al-Alim wa’l-Mutaallim)
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 15:18:33 +0000

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