The problem in Zimbabwe is lack of leadership Zimbabwe is in the - TopicsExpress


The problem in Zimbabwe is lack of leadership Zimbabwe is in the hands of a cabal bent on personnal aggrandizement,putting selfish interests ahead of those of the electorate! Leaders are showing a skewed economic structure where they are the Bourgeoisie,the well fed and well off citizens of the country while the rest of us are slipping deeper and deeper into the poverty quigmire. Come the advent of civilization and we have sophisticated and crafty leaders,charming and smooth talking,often resorting to bush tactics when plans do not fall into place.They have mastered that art of deception its so hard for a voter to make sensible judgements.Our minds have become battle zones that confusion has overtaken our thinking,we have been made to believe the sky is blue in the morning and green in the afternoon. The same leadership has overstayed,from across all political parties,giving no semblance or sign of new things happening leading to boredom and monotony.The sheer lack of force for change is born from the fact that our situation has become familiar and second nature any desire for real change will be met by cynicism and negative energy. Zimbabwe needs a paradigm shift,a new impetus,a different trajectory,a fresh way of thinking and virgin personnel,untainted minds to chart a new course and redefine our hopes and aspirations,build our house from a firm foundation and wipe our all the misgivings of the past. We need to start again, give way to new brains and remove the ceiling of tired,old and ineffective leadership.That way the sky will be the limit. These are my thoughts and mirror my thought system,I have no interest in triviality but progress.Socially dialogue is but a step to solving the Zimbabwean issue. Lets discuss!
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 21:27:08 +0000

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