The problem is America doesnt enforce the laws equally with blacks - TopicsExpress


The problem is America doesnt enforce the laws equally with blacks the way they do with every other race......theres obviously NO consequences when our human and civil rights are violated. .....both fall hand in hand.....THERE ARE NO CONSEQUENCES and we are not enforcing America to conform and abide!!!! Yea imagery from media and music contributes to illusions that we are pimps, hoes, thuggish, unemployed, hustlers, deviants, substance abusers but thats mainly our doimg because the faces shown are always by some dumbass nigga playg the role but that doesnt cover the fact that all we do is talk and huff and puff, we march and fill meetgs and churches in discussions BUT we still financially support and give our money to the oppressors, we still find excuses that we deserve to be treated cruel because we possibly shoulda said or did something differently, or we ourselves minimizes, undervalue and marginalize our worth, thoughts, and selves, we choose to bury our heads in the sand ........since the 60s what our grandparents did wrong was assume once we was able to drink from water fountains and attend schools and get jobs etc......they thought that was it, our parents and ourselves no longer saw the need to keep fighting or pushing for justices because we took for granted. ...integration in my opinion is one of the worst things that happen to black communities. .....dont get me wrong we should and expect our imprint to be apart of the rest of society but we No Longer felt the need to have our own, build for our own, and learn.......every other ethnic group has Mastered making financial means thru integration to attain success financially but they still see importance in their own grocery stores, places of worship, clothin, neighborhoods, and ownership allows them to demand leverage in negotiating to ensure and maintain rights sacred to them- Chinese, Vietnamese, African, Jewish, Hispanic, communities for e.g. but we as blacks have spent so much time worrying about why we not learning what they know instead of prioritizing the importance of what they should know about where we gettg exactly what we wanted a txtbook with what they want us to know instead of a txtbook with what we need them to knw.......we have no specific characteristics we cant identify US because we ourselves dont know.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 00:27:57 +0000

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