The problem is that this message blatantly asks for money from the - TopicsExpress


The problem is that this message blatantly asks for money from the lobbyist. So, not only is she stupid enough to ask for her “contribution” in the first place, but she is even stupid enough to have the message be left on a recordable and traceable media! Of course, the lobbyist was likely quite taken aback by this event. However, if he has dealt with the Congresswoman for any amount of time I would imagine he is not really very surprised. Of course, the lobbyist released the message to the press. The fact that this is likely the first you are hearing about this story is sad commentary on the press in and of itself. Ms. Holmes Norton, on this message, actually seems to take great pride in her long career in Washington DC and how she has spent lots of the ‘stimulus’ money…even including a three building Homeland Security project. Mmmmm…all this even after the sequester? I guess it only squeezes any building projects when the players are members of the GOP; it seems that the Democrats still get there party favors. Just listen to some of what was said on her message: “I was, frankly, surprised to see that we don’t have a record, so far as I can tell, of your having given to me, despite long and deep work.” Awww…poor baby. She has worked very hard indeed. And this nasty lobbyist is denying her a ‘contribution?’ Amazing, isn’t it? I guess we should all chip in and maybe help Ms. Norton Holmes out of her clearly desperate situation! Oh, wait, we already do. As taxpayers, she already draws a very healthy salary. This salary is paid by all of us, for her to do a job that adds nothing to the economy, employs no one, and ultimately is a drag on national resources. She continues: “I’m candidly calling to ask for a contribution. As a senior member of the committee and a sub-committee chair we have obligations to raise funds….So, I’m trying to make up for it by asking for one now.” Dear readers, what do you think? Is this Congresswoman obligated to ‘raise funds’ as she calls it? There is no mention of this being a campaign contribution, either. In fact, it is quite clear that she feels this money is owed her! No, my friends, a member of congress does not have an obligation to raise funds or even to ask for personal contributions in this manner. Their only obligation is to their voters and constituents who put them in this cushy position in the first place. This is how leftists and socialists think. They feel that they are better than all of us ‘common’ people and that they deserve special privileges and benefits. Like this ‘contribution’ that the esteemed DC Congresswoman has demanded. God help us all…we really do deserve what we get if we continue to put people like this in office. What is even sadder is the fact that there will be people who defend her actions!
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 21:55:08 +0000

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