The problem is, we are dealing with this terrible weapon of - TopicsExpress


The problem is, we are dealing with this terrible weapon of propaganda against Ukraine. And we are not defending ourselves in any way from it. And as a result, these are the consequences. All weak spots were stepped on. All aspects have been touched, religion, language, military power – everything, all the main basis of support have been touched. When will we actually be engaged in propaganda FOR Ukraine? When will we be engaged in that internal core, which is a base for our country. The fact that Russia suddenly, thanks to this propaganda, became aggressive. Today I will be repeating the word “propaganda” as many times as possible, until we all memorize how much more terrible this weapon is, much more frightening than all the tanks gathered together around our borders. And so, exactly thanks to this propaganda, note sociology. . Yes, the selection is not very big - only 4.5 thousand respondents, nevertheless, an indicator. More than 50% of simple people living in Moscow are ready to go to war with Ukraine... This is the result of propaganda... These are the consequences of the entire negative, splashed out on us by Kremlin, and I personally think - Putin’s politics. It’s absolutely obvious to me that now all these conflicts, this artificially created situation, absolutely accurately injected informational viruses, absolutely all of us are infected, everyone, even those who considers themselves adequate, believe me, certain nervousness is already programmed in us. As it’s clear to us what situation we are in. (I want to use concrete word...) And we are trying to understand, how to simply go outside with the flag and try saying something nice… you might get killed, taken down. I cant... I am trying to plan a trip to, at least one of the cities in the east, and it’s impossible because I’m told, well, Ruslana, there is not enough security present to ensure your safety. I know that there are people living in Donbass, who call every day asking for some help. They say, We are patriots, we wont give up Ukraine. Will never give up Ukraine, never, under no circumstances. Kiev, please, give us a hand. There were 300 signatures collected in 3 hours, if I’m not mistaken. Look, these are live signatures of people from Donetsk who signed for united Ukraine. They ask Turchinov (acting Prezident) to somehow personally pay attention to protection. The East is protected neither by police, nor by “Berkut”, nor by informational politics. Can you understand how it’s for these people to live in these conditions? Here I’m specially addressing to them! Guys! We will come to you and will help, and we will give you a hand. Most important – please keep that core inside you! Your core is Ukrainian! 3 facts to the guys in the east who are watching this program now. Guys, “Russian Radio” started broadcasting in Lviv, started about a year ago. Was there at least one person who came outside with protests, did you hear anything like this, that Lviv was protesting against “Russian Radio”? It’s broadcasting and people area listening to it in minibuses. I will even tell you more, God forgive my hometown, but it’s the fact. And is there at least one problem? – No. I will tell you more, my mother is Russian, and she is from Ural. My mother speaks Russian in Lviv 35 years. Nobody has ever made a remark regarding that during her whole life. And the third, concerning fascist technologies, we were sent the poster (everyone knows about it, it was disbursed online) – there is an eagle on the background and a mother with the child. This is classical propaganda, in Soviet style posters, and it has writing: the Russian Empire brings you better life. There was identical Hitler poster found dating to the 1930’s, absolutely similar picture, simply changed the name. That is, after all, technologists know what gets on people’s nerves, what intimidates them, keeps them frightened. This means, it is necessary for Putin to keep Russia in awe, and for some reason we are the ones suffering from that. Perhaps, after all, we will find (I will address to you all the time) find that core within ourselves, find it, it is Ukrainian, it is much stronger than Russian core, we is stronger today. The problem now is not puppet – Yanukovich. He already ran away. There is much more serious problem upon us, and unfortunately, most likely Ukrainians will need to fight this problem. And this problem is one word – Putin. Once again I can appeal to Putin because it is my method. I personally chose it. I travel worldwide and try to implement protection for our country’s image on the informational arena, because it is getting killed at the international level, globally, and killing us in such manner than it’s very difficult to imagine. Here is one of those famous plots, very famous on the internet, where the same person is filmed in two different episodes and showed on two different Russian TV channels. According to the story, he brought about 500 thousands EUR to Maidan in order to supply military protective uniform. I was at Maidan. We never had any protective uniform. There was always deficiency. We had merely 20 armored shields for the entire Maidan and we exchanged them often with each other, depending what direction the bullets were coming from. In the second video, same person played anti-maidan protester who took part in rally against current temporary government and was beaten there. So this means that Russian propaganda technologists work crudely. It means that not in all cases everything has been going well. They rely on the idea that we are all, Russians in particular, stupid idiots who are going to believe anything they say. So, they work very and very crudely. Now I would like to appeal to some Putin’s agents… I hope Putin will get this appeal on his table sooner or later. Taking an opportunity, once again I want to address to Putin and say: If you think that there were technologies, I personally, as a person who was at Maidan, can tell you that no technologies were present. I did not see them. I was at Maidan for 4 months, 3 for sure, and the last month I devoted to international travels and meetings. However, in the course of 3 months, during which day-by-day, night-by-night, I was at Maidan, everything was born in itself, people thought it out under way. We organized it because it didn’t exist and it was immediately needed. So, why are you assuming the right to our so-called “technologies”, inversing it? Why do you use everything we created and show it as the end product of technology? But there were no technologies. It was simply defense mechanism of Ukrainian people to actions you tried to implement with the help of Yanukovych. That is all!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 10:56:35 +0000

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