The problem with judging others is that we are often guilty of the - TopicsExpress


The problem with judging others is that we are often guilty of the same or worse sins ourselves, Rom. 2:1. None of us are anything to brag about! While we look at the way some people dress, act, and at the outward signs of sin in their lives; we are often blind to the prejudices, hypocritical spirit and other sins that lurk within our own heart! What makes me think that I am in any position to straighten you out when I am in such a mess myself? Here is the hard part. Here is the truth that is so heard to swallow. Jesus is saying that the sin of the critic is greater than the sin of the person being judged! When we talk about the flaw that is visible in someone’s life, we reveal a canyon in our own life. We are revealing a heart that lacks genuine love for our neighbor, Matt. 22:39. That ought to make us stop and think before we tear another person down, just because they don’t live up to our standards!
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 00:15:34 +0000

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