The problem with plans is that they inevitably change. Its nice to - TopicsExpress


The problem with plans is that they inevitably change. Its nice to plan out a career, a future, hell--its nice when you can plan ahead for an evening. But theres something Ive learned in a lifetime of failures, mistakes, and the occasional successes and thats the fact that life doesnt care about your plans. Our lives can change over time, over a weekend, and in the fraction of a second. Most of the time you cant stop it or fight it; youll beat yourself up and wear yourself down trying. Its important to remember that the organisms in this life that survive and outlast are the ones adaptable to change. Thay doesnt mean changes arent terrifying or hard, but sometimes youll find yourself at a crossroads and you have to ask yourself what it is thats going to make YOU happy--and you dont owe anyone else an explanation for it. I think thats the most difficult part of choosing your happiness, coming to accept the idea that you dont owe the world an explanation for doing what makes you feel happy and complete. I dont subscribe to the notion that there are right or wrong paths to that happiness, just different ones. And sometimes youll find that youve changed and that happiness has as well and the great thing about not owing anyone an explanation for it is reserving the right to change your mind and grow as a person according to your own timeline. We were raised to want certain things and taught that without them our lives will amount to nothing but thats not true. All you need is passion and a dream, youll work out how to get there as you go. I dont want to sit and watch life pass me by or conform to someone elses version of success. Its ok to want different things than others in your life do. Its alright to fight for what will make you happy. You are the master of your own fate. You are the captain of your soul.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 18:03:16 +0000

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