The problem with some workout routines is that they are routine. - TopicsExpress


The problem with some workout routines is that they are routine. Boredom is one of the factors that can destroy a persons motivation. Granted you need some structure and a way to measure your success but sometimes you have to break out of the norm and do something a little more radical. Pick a day and do something different like take a boot camp class or spinning. Try powerlifting or sandbag training. Get off the elliptical and try the rowing machine or treadmill. There are many ways to stimulate your program and keep boredom from settling in. This is also a great way to break through plateaus and get your program moving again. Normally I would give you a workout to do but today I would like for you to use your imagination and come up with something on your own that is outside the box of what you normally do. Post me back and tell me what you did different today instead of your normal routine. If you want some new stuff sign-up for my newsletter at youaintrightfitness. Each week I send out a workout of the weekend that will challenge you physically and mentally. Those who currently subscribe love these challenging workouts and look forward to my newsletter each week. Also on occasion I will post special information such as fitness tips, recipes and perhaps a special giveaway. Sign-up today!!!!! Have a great Wednesday and stay intense!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 08:08:40 +0000

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