The problem with the air campaign as the majority of current and - TopicsExpress


The problem with the air campaign as the majority of current and prior-service have stated in the NYT, CNN, FOX and from the lips of Leon Panneta is that our air campaign against ISIS, / isnt /. Its pinpricks against soft targets, only after targets have been cleared with Iraqi authorities, no doubt compromised by Sunni intelligence. In short there is no air campaign. And with elections a month away the clock is running out on Baghdad. I agree with President Obama: no boots on the ground. I believe ISIS can be stopped by air power alone. But they must be carpet bombed back into the stone age. A sustained air campaign is needed: 100, 125, 150, 175 air sorties per day. Maximum payload. Sustained bombing including strikes on centers where civilians and ISIS are inter-mixed; to eliminate the cancer, the innocent host must die and this is the fact that the administration is not telling us. Democrats wince during pedicures; war is not their forte. The Dems are predicted to loose the Senate, a good number of seats in the House and the Senate. And if nothing is done, Baghdad will fall and as COL Ralph Cooper stated last night - you will see the largest mass killing since WWII. If Baghdad falls - gas is going to shoot up ( among other commodities ). The worst problem is not the Presidents lack of will power; its the Pentagon officials who know better, the General officers who know the objectives, realize the horror that is taking place in Iraq as ISIS closes in on Baghdad and * will not tell the President. * Once more the ghost of COL David Hackworth tells us that the perfumed princes of the Pentagon could care less; they are ticket punching until they retire, cashing in on K-street when they leave the service. Past your first star, none of them care. None are willing to stand in the door for their men. And if they wont stand up for their own soldiers, why put your career on the line standing up in a briefing on ISIS? huffingtonpost/2014/10/07/kobani-siege-isis_n_5944584.html
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 20:58:55 +0000

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