The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full - TopicsExpress


The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts while the stupid ones are full of confidence. 1. Theres just one eight letter English word that has five vowels in a row; queueing. 2. The pygmy anteater, at 35 cm long including a 20 cm long tail, it’s the smallest anteater on Earth. 3. The only flavour that whales and dolphins can taste is salt. 4. Geese sometimes fly upside down to brake in a manoeuver called whiffling. 5. The Welsh word for microwave is popty ping. 6. Ke$ha’s hit “Tik Tok” sold more copies than any Beatles single. 7. Gambrinous means ‘being full of beer’. 8. Apollo 11 Astronauts couldn’t get life insurance prior to launch so they gave their families autographs to sell if they did not return. 9. In the 1920s it was thought that impotence could be cured by a monkey testicle transplant. 10. Sir David Attenborough is the only person to have won BAFTAs in Black and White, Colour, HD and 3D television.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 05:36:40 +0000

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