The producers have said that they won’t be dealing with - TopicsExpress


The producers have said that they won’t be dealing with superpowers during Season 3, and yet here we have Ray Palmer collecting white dwarf material and looking over plans for his Atom suit. I’m speculating that the conclusion of the Ray Palmer story arc will have him seemingly vanish out of existence when he activates the suit, and Felicity et al. will believe him dead. This removes the character from any Season 4 plans, yet leaves an opening for his return. It would also set up a new status quo for Felicity (left in some sort of caretaker position in charge of Palmer Tech and not able to be with Ollie because she’s pining for a guy she thinks is dead). This could also push Ollie to stop neglecting Oliver for the Arrow, since it seems that he’s all Arrow all the time now. Ollie’s Season 4 arc would then be about really getting the company back (or starting a new one) and working on being both Oliver Queen and the Arrow. Where would Ray vanish to? An Arrow-verse re-imagining of the tiny civilization from The Sword of the Atom.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 21:02:34 +0000

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