The profit of selling halal brand products is a source of money - TopicsExpress


The profit of selling halal brand products is a source of money for spreading Islam and jihad in India. A percentage of this money is going to the Islamists to spread radical Islamic activities in Kashmir , West Bengal ,Assam ,Kerala and other parts of India. Without any knowledge many Hindus are also buying many halal brand products , mostly in rural areas . In the urban areas also the Hindu peoples do not know much about the Halal brand products . Hindu shopkeepers are also selling Halal brand products without any knowledge of it . Islamists are trying to sell more halal brand products in rural areas, because in the rural areas the most of people are uneducated , simple or have no knowledge about of halal brand products . we give money to the little children /students to buy food items but without any knowledge of it ,they easily buy halal brand products. Now the question is ,why do the Hindu peoples give money for spreading Islam in India by buying Halal Brand products ? So we must be careful before buying any goods . What can we do ? We can do the following. 1. We must check the goods before buying , if it has Halal India Logo or any Halal brand logo on its packet ,then we don’t buy such goods . If the shopkeeper is a Hindu then we must inform him/her about the halal brand products and advise him/her not to keep such halal brand goods or sell such goods. 2. We must organize campaign in urban areas and also rural areas to boycott halal brand products. 3. We must inform our little kids about halal brand products and instruct them not to buy such food items. 4. We must organize special campaign in the private institutions which are maintained by Hindu peoples. 5. We must remember that some food items have no halal logo but they are also halal certified. 6. We must announce the danger of halal brand products in our religious gatherings . 7. We must spread campaign in social media to boycott halal brand products and to aware more peoples who are connected through social media. 8. We must reject the companies who are selling Halal brand products and giving money to the Islamic organizations for spreading jihad . 9. We must remember they are collecting money from us and using it against us to wipe out us from our homeland. 10. We must give special attention to buy food items because most of the halal brand products are related to Food items. What is Halal ? Ḥalāl (Arabic: حلال ḥalāl, permissible) is any object or an action which is permissible to use or engage in, according to Islamic law. The term covers and designates not only food and drink but also all matters of daily life. The opposite of this word is haraam. This means that for any food to be considered halal it must comply with the religious ritual and observance of Sharia law. Generally in Islam, every object and action is considered permissible unless there is a prohibition of it in the Islamic scriptures. Read more about it : What is Halal certification ? Halal Certification is a recognition that the products are permissible under Islamic law. These products are thus edible, drinkable or usable by Muslims. Halal certification from an established Islamic organization helps to build Halal consumers confidence without suspicion or doubt over the consumption of the food products. It is an authoritative and reliable testimony to support food manufacturers claim that their products have met strict Halal requirement by the Shariah Law. What is Halal Slaughter ? Halal Choices are concerned with the halal slaughter of animals such as beef, lamb and poultry. To be halal certified the animal must be facing Mecca, have its throat cut while still alive and then ritually sacrificed by a Muslim who recites a prayer dedicating the slaughter to Allah. Because the animals must be slaughtered alive, stun guns are often not an option as they can kill an animal before the heart pumps out all the blood. Now watch the Halal Slaughter Process from youtube , The truth about Halal meat. Muslims claim that Halal butchering is pure and friendly to animals. Watch in this video how pure Halal meat actually is. Warning this video is not suitable for weak hearted and weak minded people , Extremely , too much graphic and Disturbing. youtube/watch?v=W0gFoP6gY0A#t=318 For more details please visit the Facebook page https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.181434571887036.38724.160347640662396
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 10:29:08 +0000

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