The prominent aim of Vedic education can be given as under:- 1). - TopicsExpress


The prominent aim of Vedic education can be given as under:- 1). Physical and intellectual development:-people in vedic India believed that strong mind could only be in a strong body. So, a strong body was considered to be absolutely necessary in warldly as well as religious matter. Education was imported in the open & parnayan & Surya namskar were its regular features. A student has to remain Bramhochari upto the age of twenty five. All through this period he had to lead to a very regular hard & disciplined life. This physical development was followed by intellectual development. A person who did not possess knowledge was considered to be blind intellectually knowledge of four Vedas. ( Rig Veda, Sam Veda, Yajur Veda, & Atharva Veda). 2). Religious & spiritually:-Besides physical & intellectual development, education, must develop moral & spiritual faculties. Religion has play a dominant role in the life of Indians. Education must make the students religious minded. They must also have a sense of piety. A spiritual atmosphere prevouled in the centre of education because of the presence of selfless, humble, religious minded, but talented teachers. During this period many hypothesis concerning spiritually took birth knowledge come to be seen as the instrument of salvation. Fire, sacrifices, fasting, taking of vocus became a part of life. 3). Emphasis upon knowledge & experiences:-The Gurkuls laid emphasis upon knowledge obtaining of experiences. During this period, the practice of distributing degrees did not exist. Students exhibited the knowledge obtained through discourses and discussions conducted in a concourse of scholars. 4). Sublimation of instinct:-Man is the virtual slave of the instincts embedded in his psyche, & when he is obsessed by his senses, he often adopts the wrong path. The objective of education was to sublimate these instinctive tendencies, to turn the mind away from material knowledge, & centre it upon the spiritual world, thus establishing control over materialistic & basic tendencies. 5). Preservation and spread of culture:-Vedic education also aimed at preserving & transmitting the best traditions of thought and actions, manners & vocations of the past. 6). Promotion of social efficiency happiness:-It also mind at promotion of social efficiency &happiness. Proper training was given to the rising generation in different branches of knowledge, professions & industries. Every individual was trained for the vocation, he was expected to follow so that he might became a socially efficient & useful person. 7). Development of character & personality:-Development of character & personality was another aim of Vedic Indian education. It was achieved through an appropriate environment, lessens on right conduct & teachings based on the life, character & ideals of great persons. Education aimed at developing the virtues of self - control, self - confidence, self - discipline, obidence, love, sympathy, co - operation, logical Judgment, fulfillment of social responsibilities & earning a livelihood. 8). Immediate and ultimate answer:-The immediate aim of education was to prepare the different castes of people for their actual needs of life. The ultimate of education in Vedic India was not knowledge as preparation for life in this world or life beyond, but for complete realization of self for liberation of the soul from letters of life, both present & future. The ultimate aim of human society of that age was the achievement of the absolute (brahama) education naturally was bound to be geared to that end. Achieving salvation was the ultimate aim of human life & this is the consequences of the real education.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 16:00:59 +0000

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