The promise of the potential to rise above your economic station - TopicsExpress


The promise of the potential to rise above your economic station is what keeps the majority from violently overthrowing the wealthy few at the top of the pyramid. When there is no possibility of doing so, revolutions occur. Peaceful or violent they do occur. The accessibility of goods to improve ones own standard of living calms down a lot of the raging fever for a more fair world but it does not sustain itself over the long haul. Inequalities continue to exist and grow and when those who dont have, begin to lose what they did have, the unrest becomes uncontrollable. We in America have believed that if we work hard enough, manage to live within our means and put something aside for the future, that all will be well. Then with history, we find that the circumstances that we thought were random were actually manipulated and we were only able to react without a predictable outcome, become enraged if not for ourselves but for others, so we sought a form of redress...a forum for finding solutions. Even now we find the circumstances are not in our control but in the control of others who may not have our interests at heart. But we dont all suffer the same way. Some of us have been lucky in our jobs, in finding our energies and minds could be used in a field that paid us well, that we managed to put aside income to pay ourselves into the future so when we were not working we would have financial resources to draw upon. But even those financial resources are but play money in a system being manipulated by others. Never easy, never even level, but the falsity with which promises of change are made, are enraging, and those who should have the power to seek a change are left to fight among themselves. We have met the enemy and he is us.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 16:57:19 +0000

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