The prophecy of Jude is in course of fulfillment. It would lead us - TopicsExpress


The prophecy of Jude is in course of fulfillment. It would lead us too far astray from our present inquiry to fully amplify this assertion, but what we have particularly in mind is a sentence in verse 8-- likewise also these dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion & speak evil of dignities, Yes, they speak evil of the Supreme Dignity, the Only Potentate, the King of kings, and the Lord of lord, Ours is peculiarly an age of irreverence, and as the consequence, the spirit of lawlessness, which brooks no restraint and which is desirous of casting off everything which interferes with the free course of self-will, is rapidly engulfing the earth like some giant tidal wave.The members of the rising generation are the most flagrant offenders, and in the decay and disappearing of parental authority we have the certain precursor of the abolition of civic authority. Therefore, in view of the growing disrespect for human law and refusal to render honor to whom honor is due, we need not be surprised that the recognition of the majesty, the authority, the sovereignty of the Almighty Law-giver should recede more and more into the background, and that the masses have less and less patience with those who insist upon them. And conditions will not improve; instead, the more sure Word of Prophecy makes known to us that they will grow worse and worse. Nor do expect to be able to stem the tide-- it has ready risen much too high for that. All we can now hope to do is WARN our fellow-saints against the spirit of the age, and thus seek to counteract its baneful influences upon them. ~A.W. Pink (1930) [The Sovereignty of God]
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 17:06:52 +0000

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