The prophet is the Son of God Extract of the Book of Prophet - TopicsExpress


The prophet is the Son of God Extract of the Book of Prophet Kacou Philippe: Kc.113 / 5 Brethren, when a Prophet is dead, God can never remain there watching the disorders of men. Salvation is only through a living Prophet Messenger on earth. The Mission of the Priesthood of the Old Testament or the Ministries of Eph.4:11 is simply to maintain the Faith of the People until God sends another Prophet Messenger on earth again. The Priest does not have the right to interpret or add anything to whatever thing that the Prophet of his Time has said. He must say: the Prophet is the Son of the Master, we, the Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Doctors and Pastors, are only Slaves, useless Servants in the House of the Master. Joh.6:40 says that one must see the Son to have the Eternal Life! And the Son is the one through whom it pleases God to reveal Himself to His People in a Generation. Every Prophet is the Only-Begotten Son of God in his Generation. In Gal.1:15-16, Paul said to the apostles, prophets, evangelists, doctors, pastors, rabbis, scribes and to the priests of his Time that it pleased God to reveal the Son through him, and that he was the only Depositary of the Truth, and that even if an angel, no matter which one, came from Heaven to say something else, that angel be accursed. You see? And Ewald Frank, Joseph Coleman and others do not know this, and this is why they had put death in the pot, and the Sons of Prophet were sitting there, in desolation, for forty years. Only Elisha, another Prophet Messenger like Elijah, was able to cleanse the pot. There is not one branhamist assembly where the pastor did not go farther than his master. Each one of them followed his own way according to the Vision of Junior Jackson. And you branhamists, if a pastor goes farther than William Branham, and tells you only one thing that is not clearly written in the Brochures of William Branham, you have to ask him where he’s extracted that from, because this right has never been granted to a Priest or to one of the Ministries of Eph.4:11; he’s a golden calf founder! As soon as he starts saying: the Bible says, the Bible says… with all the piety and the explanations, no matter how good and sincere he is, he’s a serpent. You must ask him in the virtue of which Divine Mandate he’s doing that. And you must do it because it’s all about Salvation! Amen! Apart from what the king was pleased to give you through Hegai, all the rest, they are nail polishes and lipsticks of Jezebel. If you have a lot of ideas, inspirations and ambitions, go and convert to politics.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 09:16:37 +0000

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