The prophets of Baal today. Extract of the Book of Prophet Kacou - TopicsExpress


The prophets of Baal today. Extract of the Book of Prophet Kacou Philippe: Kc.118 / 6 If you have the Call of an Apostle on your life, it belongs to a Prophet-Messenger to tell it to you. Gospel means glad Tidings. And if you are an evangelist, what Gospel are you aiming to announce and which is unknown to humanity? You say: I healed, the blind see, the paralytic walk… Alright but when those miracles gathered the multitude around you, what was the goal? Elijah had a Message which consisted in telling Israel that apart from him, all the Servants of Jehovah of his Time were only servants of Baal and the holy spirit by whom they opened the blind’s eyes and made the paralytic walk was only demons of divination. Yes sir! They were prophets claiming themselves of Jehovah and when Elijah killed them, the same demons aroused hundreds of others who opposed Micah in 1 Kings 22 and the Bible calls them: the Prophets of Jehovah . But God be blessed, there is always a True One somewhere for the Saints living in the Generation. 7 Year after year, vigil after vigil, service after service, the prophets of Baal performed great wonders, some paralytics from birth walked, some blind people from birth saw and their preaching was: Our father Abraham did this, Moses did that, Israel did this, Jehovah did that, Jehovah, Jehovah…. Everything was correct, biblical but it was the devil that was behind. And Israel did not understand when Elijah said that it was the devil. You see? If, in year 2013, after a miracle, your gospel consists in saying to the whole world that Jesus is resuscitated then you are a prophet of Baal and if God is God, He is obliged to arouse a Man, having the Spirit of Elijah, to name that sin. You see? If the miracle of the voodoo priest is of devil, why will the miracle of the catholic, protestant, evangelical and branhamist priest or pastor be of God? Why will one be of God and the other of the devil while both fulfill the same mission? If, after having performed some miracles, you only come to announce what is already written in the Bible, it’s the proof that you are a servant of Satan.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 21:00:55 +0000

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