The proximate causes of sati or mindfulness are firm perception - TopicsExpress


The proximate causes of sati or mindfulness are firm perception (thirasanna padatthana) and the four foundations of mindfulness. if the perception (sanna) is shaky and unsteady, sati cannot arise and stay with the meditation objects. As much as perception is firm, strong and steadfast, so too will be sati. The two functions of perception are the recording and the recognition of formations (sankhara) regardless of their wholesome and unwholesome nature. Perception is compared to the recording of someone talking with the help of a voice recorder or sound recorder nowadays. A high quality recording is the cause for a clear and undistracted listening when the recording is being replayed. Similarly, according to Sayadawgyi U Panditabhivamsa, a strong clear-cut perception by noting or labelling of the present arising objects of observation is very supportive of a strong and steadfast mindfulness. Another proximate cause for the arising of sati is the four foundations of mindfulness. Mindfulness itself is the cause of mindfulness. As you place your attention continuously on the body, feeling, consciousness and mind objects, your sati will be CUPS C - Constant U - Uninterrupted P - Powerful S - Sustained Drink 2 CUPS of tea with mindfulness, May you always experience inward happiness.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 14:42:15 +0000

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