The psalmist wrote, “You, O Lord, have made me glad by your - TopicsExpress


The psalmist wrote, “You, O Lord, have made me glad by your work; at the works of your hands I sing for joy.” - Psalm 92:4 (NRSV) Todays Devotional In our region of the world the autumn leaves are glorious. The green leaves turn to shades of yellow, red, and orange. Landscapes turn to canvases only God could paint, the colors so brilliant that they are breathtaking. My husband and I enjoy seeing the glorious colors in nature. Even quick trips to the grocery store are more pleasant because of the beauty of autumn. Some people may so dread the season because of the work of raking that they overlook its spectacular beauty. The mood of a day is often set by our focus. If we focus on our problems, our mood is likely to be glum. If we focus on the Lord’s blessings, then in spite of our problems, we can see each day as a day that the Lord has made and we can rejoice and be glad in it (Ps. 118:24). If we sing for joy at the beauty of autumn leaves, raking them will be all the more enjoyable. As I rake leaves, I thank God for making them beautiful so that the task is less of a burden. If we sing for joy in all God’s works, our songs will lighten our load and make our trials easier to bear. My thoughts: As Christians we dont sit back and admire the mighty works of God after all he is the creator of everything big and small. When I think about him single handedly creating everything from animals, plants, rivers, oceans, humans etc.....also to know that everyone has their on fingerprint is quite remarkable. I say all these things to say this of our father is able to do these mighty things why are we so lack luster with faith for our creator?
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 12:58:44 +0000

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