The psychopaths who murdered the journalists of a satirical French - TopicsExpress


The psychopaths who murdered the journalists of a satirical French magazine are exactly that: psychopaths. Every defender of free speech is justifiably outraged by this heinous attack. I, alongside every study into terrorism, have long rationalized terrorism to be rooted in resistance to occupation and political goals. But this attack clearly falls outside that prism. This attack was carried out by deranged lunatics who had irresistible urge to murder. I have no sympathy for anyone who is offended by blasphemy. To take a human life over a cartoon is so absurd it hardly needs comment. But if you believe thats where the story of this attack starts (cartoons) and ends (religion), then youre guilty of being equally simplistic. It is said the killers speak perfect French, with not even a hint of a foreign accent. Im merely speculating, but Im sure when this tragedy reaches its conclusion, we will find that the killers each owned a copy of the most popular book for Western jihadist recruits: Islam For Dummies. (Im not kidding) The decision to brutally murder journalists over a cartoon flies in the face of most historical interpretations of Islam, notes Jack Jenkins. Capital punishment for depicting Mohammed is found nowhere in the Koran. It is, however, found in some interpretations in some of the Haddiths i.e. not laws proclaimed by Mohammed. But I doubt the Charlie Hebdo killers are knowledgeable of even these basic precepts. What they would know is their own life experiences. I believe most people are good people. Unfortunately, good people often turn into bad people as a result of their own circumstances. In other words, bad behavior and bad ideas are often reactionary. What could these maniacs be reacting to? Well, Western Europe is in the midst of an immigration crisis at the same time it is dealing the EU is dealing with a spiraling economy. Youth unemployment in some EU countries is now as high as 40%. The War on Terror has created social chaos and civil war in Iraq; and mass migration from the rural areas to the urban areas of Syria continues to fuel their civil war - both of which have driven refugees to Western Europe. Whenever economic times turn bad, immigrants are the first to blame for a lack of opportunity. In bad times, nationalistic movements gain steam. In the last few weeks alone, several mosques have been burnt to the ground by anti-Islam protestors; tens of thousands have participated in anti-Islam protests in Germany and France; and right wing vigilante group violence is rocketing out of control. These protestors are not protesting against Islamic extremism, but Islam itself. Anders Breivik was inspired to mass murder by right wing anti-Islam activists like Pam Geller and Aayan Hirsi Ali. These activists call for a war against Islam, while war on terror proponents assert the globe is a battlefield. Could the Parisian killers be responding to these pressures -alienation, harassment, and discrimination? Maybe, maybe not. Thus far we know so little about them. But I am certain theres more to this story than a cartoon.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 21:25:15 +0000

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