The punishment of the grave is severe and no one can bear its pain - TopicsExpress


The punishment of the grave is severe and no one can bear its pain and torture. These punishments are due to the amount of major sins we commit daily, such as the neglecting of Salaah, backbiting, the lack of precaution at the time of urinating which leaves one self and his clothes unclean. Precautions must be taken at the time of passing urine. Whilst in the grave, two angels approach the deceased. These Angels are known as ‘Munkar and ‘Nakir. They come to question a person. Their eyes sparkle like the lightning of thunder and their voice like the roar of thunder. Their teeth like the horn of a bull sticking out with flames of fire coming out of their mouths, their hair long, reaching down to their feet, carrying a very big hammer. According to other narrations, they will be blind and deaf. They will ask you three questions. If you succeed, they will give you glad-tidings but if you fail, they will start beating you. You will scream and cry but they will not hear you, they will have no mercy nor consider anyone. Once Hazrat Abu Zar Gaffari in excitement said to the grave, “O grave, there is some news for you; that we have come with the body of the Prophet s daughter, Hazrat Fatima , the queen of Paradise .” A voice came from the grave, “O Abu Zar, the grave is not a place for dynasty nor people of high ranks, here, I will treat according to ones deeds.” From this, we can clearly understand that the grave will treat us only according to our deeds. May Allah Taala give us the ability to do good deeds. Ameen
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 11:13:06 +0000

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