The purpose of the Parable of the Sower doesnt show the character - TopicsExpress


The purpose of the Parable of the Sower doesnt show the character of the Kingdom of Heaven, that is, the proportion of those who hear the Gospel and fail to profit (learn) from it even though its clearly revealed, as it is to and show the problem that hinder the growth of the Seed. The Parable mentions four classes of Hearers. In Matthew 13th chapter speaks of four types of Hearer of the Word of God, which Hearer are you?. (1) The Wayside Hearer: Here the seed dont have a chance to take root. TheDevils Birds, (vs.19), Criticism, Doubt Unbelief, Prejudice, Preoccupation, etc., snatch up the seed before it can be worked into the soil. (2) The Stony Ground Hearer: Here the seed takes root but dies before it can grow up because of the shallowness of the soil. Emotional souls caught by some sudden fear of hell, or moved by some strong appeal, profess conversion, but not counting the cost they soon fall away. Jesus mentioned two stones that underlie the soil of the heart of the Stony-Ground Hearer Tribulation and Persecution. (3) The Thorny-Ground Hearer: Here the seed takes root, grows up, but does not bear fruit. The soil of the heart of the Thorny-Ground Hearer contains the seeds or roots of thorns and these spring up, and outgrow, and overshadow the wheat, and absorb from the soil the nourishment needed for it. Matthew mentions two of these thorns the Cares of the World and the Deceitfulness of riches. Mark (4:19) mentions another, the Lust of other things, and Luke (8:14) a fourth, the Pleasures of this life. (4) The Good-Ground Hearer: Here the seed takes root, grows up bears fruit, but the amount varies. Some brings forth a 100 fold, some 60, some only 30. Why is this? It was not the fault of the soil. That was equally good all over the field, even on the Wayside, and in the Stony and parts. Why then? It was the lack of cultivation. If the soil had been properly cleared, tilled, and cultivated, and the proper atmospheric conditions prevailed, it would have brought forth a uniform crop of 100 fold. This parable This Parable teaches us that Christianity is a New Thing, that its not like weeds that grow up spontaneously of themselves, but it must be sown and cultivated like wheat. The figure is a lowly agricultural one, that of a farmer sowing seed The Word, and not of a King Setting up a Kingdom. In other words this Dispensation is an Agricultural One the purpose of getting the WHEAT OF THE CHURCH. The Wheat and Tares: The Parable of the Wheat and Tares in (Matt. 13:24-26), Jesu Christ Himself interprets (vs. 37-39), and this forbids any fanciy or unscriptural interpretation. He tells us that the Man who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man (vs. 37), that He sowed it in His own field (vs. 24), and that the Field is not the Church, but the world. The Son-of Man, the Sower, in the first Parable sowed the seed of The Word. In this Parable He sows Men (the Children of the Kingdom) . It was the Son of Man Himself, through the agency of Saul of Tarsus, and not Satan, who scattered the Church broadcast throughout Judea and Samaria. Where the Parable begins. This scattering has been going on fore centuries. But the Field was not left to the Wheat. The Devil came and sowed Tares. The Tares, or Darnel, so closely resembles Wheat that its true nature cannot be seen until it has matured. This sowing of the Tares was done not while the Sower slept, for He never slumbers or sleeps, but while the men He left to look after the Field slept, (vs. 25). This sowing is still going on. The Tares are called the Children of the Wicked One. They are men of the character of those Jews to whom Jesus said-Ye are of your father the Devil. John 8:44. Understand that the Devil cannot change the Wheat; he can only sow Tares; but he can sow in such large quantities as to completely change the aspect of the whole field that can cause Hearing problems.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 02:02:50 +0000

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