The pushing back of the retirement age around the world- Has - TopicsExpress


The pushing back of the retirement age around the world- Has little to do with economy and budgets... Its purely ideological... As the planets human population increases, space, food and recourses become primary agendas- As new medicine continues to extend the average human life span- And more significantly as technologies and manufacturing continue to become more sustainable and less labor dependant- States will per force have to become more welfare citizen supportive- Privilege and power will in its nature resist the inevitable relaxation of the demands currently imposed on the citizen re taxes and so called wealth creation and participation.... The message in live-longer-work-longer is about ensuring the continuation of the status quo- As it was and still is... That only a select few will be free to choose to live long and retire in a manner to which theyre accustomed.... This is futile and misguided in a time when collectively we must be in earnest dialogue to address the pertinent and pointy issues that confront all life on this
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 23:08:05 +0000

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