The pyramid guideline (left one), im sorry to say: not - TopicsExpress


The pyramid guideline (left one), im sorry to say: not advisable. Instead guideline on the Right, which divide your plate into 4 portions is better! If you desperately want to lose weight or if you are overweight and obese, then you must listen to this :-) If you divide your plate into 4 portions: 2 portions must be from vegetables, choose as many colours as you could. 1/2 portion Green including Green beans & green vegetables, can be cooked or uncooked; one of those must be from cruciferous family (except if your have hypothyroid condition) such as boccolli, cauliflower, kailan, brussel sprout, cabbage or kale. 1/2 Deep dark green, orange & red colour are better cooked for a while for better phytochemicals absorption. Eat vegetables with good fat! 1/2 portion - mushroom, 1/2 combination of garlic, union, gingers, spices ad herbs. You could also consider adding Sea plant such as wakame & seaweed into your plate. Fermented kimchi is another good food. 1 portion of carbohydrates, such as whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, millet, etc), sweet potato, rolled oats, and so on. (This portion doesnt include: white potato, white flour or refined flour made products such as bread, refined grains such as white rice are OUT!) - This portion is your main source of energy. 1 portion of protein: fermented miso made from organic soy, nuts, seeds, organic or kampung eggs, wild catch small fish, beans, legumes, lentils. It is a matters of how good quality is your protein source, but not the quantity. The lessor you need if the quality is good one. However, limit animal products, keep as low as you can, especially dairy products-the compounds in dairy are just too complex to deal with). Also, this portion doesnt include: fake vegetarian meat product, sausage, bacon... Fruits: 2-5 per day. Extra essential fat: 1 tbsp of flaxseed / chia seed / omega 3 vs omega 6 oil. Supplement: Multivitamin and minerals. Water: 2000ml per day. Note: simply add more Complex carbohydrates and good quality of plant fat to your plate if you are Underweight or want to gain weight.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 07:03:00 +0000

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