The quality of love is truly universal – as it literally - TopicsExpress


The quality of love is truly universal – as it literally transcends peoples, nations, and religions. Love is truly the universal language of this world, and people from all different walks of life recognize it for what it truly is and understand the power that is in it. Bible Knowledge > Bible Verses > The Power of Love The Power of Love And Bible Verses About Love This article will serve as a follow up to our article titled, The 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit. In that article, I gave you the verse from Galatians where the Lord is telling us there are 9 specific fruits that He can transmit up into our personalities through His Holy Spirit. In this verse from Galatians, the very first quality that is listed as one of the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit is the quality of love – and I do not think this was by accident! As you will see in the Scripture verses I will list below, there is no doubt in my mind that the quality of love is the #1 quality that God would like to get worked into our souls and personalities. Even nonbelievers, atheists, and agnostics can see the power of love and how it has the ability to change people and their lives when it is properly handled and walked out. Hollywood has made tons of movies just on the power of love – especially the special love that can occur between a man and woman in a romantic relationship. Even hard, tough, grown men can be brought to tears when watching a real well made movie made about the power of love. The quality of love is truly universal – as it literally transcends peoples, nations, and religions. Love is truly the universal language of this world, and people from all different walks of life recognize it for what it truly is and understand the power that is in it. Then when you read and study the Bible – you see the major emphasis God the Father is placing on it when He tells us that He wants us to love Him, love ourselves, and to love one another. So if the quality of love is recognized by all peoples and all nations, then why is it that throughout the course of human history there has been so many wars, so much hatred, so much crime, and so much inhumanity done to our fellow man? If everyone knows what love is, then how could so many people throughout the course of our human history commit the evil and atrocious acts they have committed? Even in our present day and age people still have not learned from the past, as there is just as much hatred and evil operating in this world today as there has ever been. The Bible even tells us that the love of many will grow cold in the latter days, which means things are going to actually go from bad to worst in the coming years. If man really knows what love is, then why can’t more people act, operate, and walk in that love so we can all live in peace and harmony with one another? Why do so many people have to rob, rape, kill, plunder, and steal from one another? No matter what one’s religious beliefs and ideologies may be – there is simply no excuse for some of the horrible barbaric acts of murder, assaults, abductions, robberies, and rapes that we see on an everyday basis. As Christians, we all know that part of the answer as to why men cannot love one another in the way that God would really like from us is due to the fallen sin natures that we have all been born into this world with as a result of the curse of Adam and Eve. Read more: bible-knowledge/power-of-love/#ixzz2rPu8m6wb Follow us: @bibleknowledge1 on Twitter | bibleknowledge on Facebook
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 13:31:50 +0000

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