The question is how do we change people’s lives FOR THE BETTER? - TopicsExpress


The question is how do we change people’s lives FOR THE BETTER? Where we live in South Africa there are so many people out there struggling to make their payments every month, struggling to put food on the table, struggling to pay the school fees, car payments etc. and yet every single day there are institutions offering loans to these people, putting them more and more into debt. Does this sound like your situation? As I became more and more involved in wealth creation the more I came to realize that there are so many people just struggling along! People loose faith in society and just want to give up, because they just don’t seem to get ahead. Educated people with degrees are struggling. People who have worked hard at school and earned good grades and then went on to get a degree of some sort are struggling. And I started to ask the question WHY? There must be something that is causing this global problem whereby people are struggling? The problem seems obvious - we just don’t have enough MONEY? Yet, when I started to look at the WEALTHY people I came to realize that some of them are not even educated and have actually dropped out of school at some point so how can they make enough money without a degree? The problem is that nowhere in the schooling system do we get taught about MONEY? I am not talking about accounting or maths I am talking about MONEY. How can we create money, how can we handle money, what are the principals around money. What are our believe systems around money? Our programming around money usually is influenced by our parents, family members, primary care givers etc. Since we were very young we were told “Don’t put that money in your mouth because it is DIRTY” Our brains then start associating MONEY = DIRTY so we actually push money away from us. Our Brains get programmed from an early age on how we need to respond to money. Another classic is “Where must I get the money from, do you think I am a BANK. We associate Money with Bank therefore if we need we just go to the bank and get a loan. We have been programmed to do this. The MIND is a very powerful tool when it comes to MONEY and WEALTH. Every person can also correct their MINDSET with the correct tools and reprogramming and it is never toooo late. We teach you how to do this at our Women’s Wealth Summit so if you want to learn how to do this and change your MINDSET regarding money visit and book your tickets now.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 08:56:10 +0000

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