The question is: who do you owe it to, to provide an - TopicsExpress


The question is: who do you owe it to, to provide an explanation? These days, where people would post random thoughts about anything an everything on Facebook.. people would post one-of remarks. Sometimes it hits the right chord with a random stranger. Sometimes it hits a nerve. And when it does it may hit the nerve of a random person. Most, you might not even really know. But what I do know is that when you post a status publicly it seems it is common understanding that it is open for comment. Occasionally you get comments which are in-line with the topic posted. That is, of course, appreciated and very welcomed. Then you get those random comments which has nothing to do with the post... and this is where it begins... There will be comments that steer away from the topic completely. Some would insist what they are saying as fact, when the fact they brought up has no bearing on the post. Then there are those to completely hijack the post by starting a comment thread that is an entirely different topic than the original post. Sigh. And the list goes on. So what do you do? What could you do? Personally, I might have spent many hundreds of words offering an explanation that the post is not in line with the topic, OR having to explain to some random person EXPLICITLY and TIRING-LY (if there is such a word) how they quite literally have missed the point of the original post. So I now ask myself. Do I REALLY owe them an explanation? I came to a conclusion. And the answer is a resounding NO! If you missed the whole point and I feel that I am about to (literally) waste time explaining.. as the person who opened the topic, sensing the danger of my post going astray.. I have the right to deem it fit to DELETE the comment without so much as an explanation. Unreasonable much? I think not. Too drastic? Hell no! Hostile? Maybe. Thanks for reading this much. You all have a good and haze-free day.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 03:32:48 +0000

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