The quoted paragraphs below came from Bior Kwer Bior Jr in an - TopicsExpress


The quoted paragraphs below came from Bior Kwer Bior Jr in an article that he wrote to reach out to Butrus Ajak who had a different opinion about the crisis in South Sudan and how Bor community has become a victim! Brother Ajak, I am offended beyond fathoming that you would even hint at agreeing with Deng Lueth Mayom on his skewed views, which seem to erroneously insinuate that the Lou Nuer, Gawer, and other Upper Nile Nuer societies are our close brothers and that these are the ones we should form an alliance with. I read Deng’s call on the Dinka Bor to stand with Nuer, and I ignored that because we all know where Deng Lueth and cohorts stand since this conflict began, but are you too that gullible, to be swayed that easily? A day of reckoning will someday arrive for those who are now playing politics with the lives of our people. Our community is awash with Nyandeng’s apologists------------those who are placing political expedient and jealousy before that which is right and just. These people will someday have their day in the court of public opinions and they will be condemned. There will be no Salva Kiir to stay their well deserved chastisement. The Upper Nile, where Deng Lueth Mayom and his apologists find solace, is where we’ve repeatedly been persecuted. In 1991, it was the Greater Upper Nile Nuer societies who allied with Riek and attacked Bor in earnest, thus reducing it to ashes, both physically and emotionally. In the ongoing conflict, it was the same Upper Nile Nuer Societies who sounded the drums ofwar, and invaded the Borland, again, sending her children to the refugees’ camps, and internally displaced person’s camps. Now, is that what you want to form an alliance with? When did an antelope ever run into a lion’s den and made it out a life? Where is this elusive brotherhood I keep hearing about? If we can’t learn from history and experience, then what exactly are we going to learn from?
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 02:23:26 +0000

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