The rabbis saw Tishri and the high holy days of autumn as focusing - TopicsExpress


The rabbis saw Tishri and the high holy days of autumn as focusing on the kingship of God, His rule, His power, His sovereignty, and His dominion. The sounding of the shofars during the Feast of Trumpets was, among other things, the proclaiming of the Lord as King and Sovereign over the world, over the nation, and over the lives of His people. Tishri falls on the Hebrew calendar in the period between September and October. It is so sacred a month that ten of its days are known as the High Holy Days. The rabbis saw Tishri and the high holy days of autumn as focusing on the kingship of God, His rule, His power, His sovereignty, and His dominion. The sounding of the shofars during the Feast of Trumpets was, among other things, the proclaiming of the Lord as King and Sovereign over the world, over the nation, and over the lives of His people. The month of Tishri is also known as the time of judgment. Its opening day, the Feast of Trumpets, is also known as Yom Ha Din, or the Day of Judgment. During the Feast of Trumpets the shofars are sounded. The sound of the shofar is not only that of a solemn gathering but is the sound of alarm and warning, that there is approaching danger, the warning of impending judgment. Tishri is the month of reckoning, when the nation stands before God and when sin is dealt with. (Jonathan Cahns Book is written from a Jewish man who knows the customs of the Hebrews very well, but as being born again Christian, on the side of the New Covenant also has greater insight into the hour we live. What if America would take the remainder of the month of October and make it the most High Holy Days of our life going forward, with giving as never before focus on the kingship of JESUS our GOD and SAVIOR, HIS Rule, HIS Power, HIS Sovereignty, HIS Dominion....may we unashamed lift our voices like a trumpet sounding the alarm as the witnesses of JESUS SALVATION MESSAGE to reach hearts and lives, and sounding the Words of GOD written of the warnings of judgment coming that the prophets spoken of and even JESUS throughout the WORD of GOD. May we celebrate HIM during this month of October. Many Jews believe JESUS was born in the month of October. We know the culture had been infiltrated with the opposite in the land, and it is called Halloween. I just heard a great message at Church taught this evening. The culture is not to captivate us, but we are to captivate the culture....May the world see JESUS working through our lives daily in our actions! May we celebrate the High Holy Days and not be of the culture who celebrate the Unholy Days!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 04:51:02 +0000

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