The ramifications of willful racial ignorance of America in - TopicsExpress


The ramifications of willful racial ignorance of America in 2014: One of the many ways in which institutions help to maintain a two-tier, racial caste system in America is to manipulate the image of Dr King, with TV and schools being the dominant forces behind The Lie. Now I have addressed this issue before, stating that Kings I Have A Dream Speech was a fierce, radical, Call to Arms, a damning of America, justifying race-based affirmative action, speech. It was a speech in which Dr King told America, Blacks were damn tired, 100 years after the Civil War, of living in an Apartheid State defined by intractable white institutional and personal racism. Tired of a justice system designed not to ensure justice, but for enforcing the laws, practices, and philosophy of the Dred Scott decision. In short, the speech was about Black Rage, and putting America on notice that there was no turning back the clock on racial progress. That was the year 1963. ( Of course, a racially barbaric white male culture then proceeded to execute the 4 Little Girls, JFK, 3 Civil Rights workers, and King. Oh, and Medgar Evers,a few months before The Speech.) But over the decades, American schools dont have her students deconstruct Kings speech, much less deconstruct it within the context of race, economics, religion, culture, music, etc, and the media have reduced Kings speech to a few seconds bite of Little Black boys and Black girls holding hands with little white boys and white girls... In other words, the media have edited out the Black Rage, which made up 3/4 of the speech, and reduced it to a sound bite that allows whites to feel good about themselves, and w/o them having to address Dr Kings calling on America to end her racial barbarism. Now fast forward to the year 2014. By all academic indicators (many of which I have highlighted on FB for over 4 years now), Black life mirrors much of Black life in 1963. Why? Intractable white institutional and personal racism that results in Blacks living in Soweto Townships across America, locked out of mainstream American life, and the benefits therein. Lets just call it Ferguson Mo. And this is what explains the Black Rage sweeping across America right now - Blacks are living a hellish life in America of little difference from Black life as described by King in his speech. And heres the killer - pun intended - just as Black life was defined by police brutality, and a corrupt criminal justice system in 1963, what most defined Black life was an unwillingness of whites to embrace the humanity of Blacks, in particular, Black boys and Black men who were executed by white men - see Emmitt Till and Medgar Evers. Now in 2014, Blacks still live in Soweto neighborhoods, and whites still refuse to embrace the humanity of Blacks, particularly young Black men named Trayvon, John Crawford, and Mike Brown. They refuse to see these young Black men as their sons, as Jesus commands them to. And just like with Emmitt Till, whites convince themselves that these Black men deserved their racial executions. So in fact 1963 = 2014, and with the Confederate mindset, and the rejection of the teachings of Jesus embed in whites since slavery, still intact. # Dr King was right - riots are the language of the unheard - see Ferguson Mo. But heres the thing - America does hears the calls for racial freedom and justice by Blacks. She always has. She just doesnt give a damn. But why would Blacks think that a Confederate Nation would ever care about Black Humanity? Its not in her DNA to care. Sad, but true.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 00:18:51 +0000

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