The random thing is going around again. Im too lazy to type up - TopicsExpress


The random thing is going around again. Im too lazy to type up anything new, so heres mine from five years ago, lol. 1. I have a big bump on the back of my head. I tell my kids that it’s a “brain bump,” but I think it’s a calcium deposit from when I was ten or eleven. I fell off of a zip line at Durfee’s house and landed head first onto a railroad tie. (I sat in the car until Mom was ready to leave and never told her what happened.) 2. I’ve read a grand total of three books since high school. A.D.D. or something. I just can’t stay interested in a book long enough to finish it. Come to think of it, I only read three books IN high school, too. 3. I’m a lazy workaholic. If I’m excited about a project, I’ll spend any amount of time necessary to complete it. But if I don’t have a project to do, I’ll sleep in until ten and then play video games the rest of the day. 4. I used to work 80 to 124 hours a week. And yes, 124 is possible; divide it out. The kids spent a lot of time watching DVDs in their sleeping bags on the office floor. After two years of that, my boss found out what I was doing and told me I couldn’t work more than 60/week. So, I built a house in my spare time. 5. I’m in my lazy phase right now. I bought Guitar Hero III a few months ago and have been playing that a little bit. I can five star most of the songs on Hard, but can’t pass Raining Blood yet. I’m most of the way through Expert and have passed Stricken. If you know what I’m talking about, you’re as big of a loser as I am. ;) 6. I don’t like to talk on the phone very much. I do so much of it during the day that I won’t even answer it at night. But you’re in luck if you call; Brandy will always answer it. 7. We spent our honeymoon in Salmon, ID. That’s right, we were working on a trail for the Forest Service. 8. I used to write in to a radio station in Twin using my alter ego, “Mr. Black,” as a fun way to request songs. The DJs would read the email on air every morning, laugh about it for a few minutes, and then play my song. 9. I have a thing for numbers and dates. I remember most people’s birthdays every year. When I don’t call you or send a card, I still use the “I forgot” excuse, but I probably did remember. I’m just an inconsiderate prick. 10. I had a full ride scholarship to BYU. I studied Business Management and Accounting, but got bored of that and dropped out after a year so I could pursue my life’s passion – Stucco. I worked in Sun Valley for six years, then I transitioned into selling and distributing stucco materials, and finally, managing a distribution center, where I, ha ha, do accounting stuff. 11. One of my “projects” in the last few years was Family History research. I spent countless all-nighters searching online and sending emails to find names, pictures and stories of my ancestors. I have over 59,000 names compiled. I created a portrait pedigree chart with pictures of most of my great, great, great grandparents, many of my 4th greats, and even four of my 5th great grandparents. I can write out a five generation pedigree chart from memory (nearly six). 12. I think “That 70’s Show” is one of the funniest shows ever. My life growing up was the opposite of the story line, except that I dated the hot red head, but I still relate with it in an odd sort of way. I’m trying to foster the Red/Eric relationship with my son now. 13. I am very competitive and do the best I can at everything. One of the only Bs I got in High School was in Woodshop. That made me mad enough that I decided to build my own house from the ground up. I did a lot of the framing, electrical, plumbing, drywall, and did all of stucco, stone, interior plaster, hardwood floors, tile, set cabinets, hung doors and trim… 14. My competitiveness carries over into supposedly passive games, too. I trash talk my brothers even when playing Fish Wrangler on FB. 15. I am religious and very dedicated to my church, although you may not know it. My laziness kicks in and I don’t actually go to church as often as I could. 16. I am a night person. I never wake up more than twenty minutes before I have to leave for work. It’s after one right now, and I have to get up at 6:12. Oh, well. 17. I was a nerd in High School, but didn’t aspire to full geekdom until later. I actually enjoyed learning and doing schoolwork. My favorite class was a third period computer class. Ms. Yakovak let us go at our own pace through the book. I was usually two weeks ahead, so I would also do my homework from other classes in there on Monday through Thursday, and then write my weekly English paper on Fridays that was due fourth period. I didn’t have to take books home very often. 18. I would like to become fluent in another language. I have studied Spanish, German, Mandarin and Romanian, but I spend too much time creating dumb lists on Facebook and am unable to practice one of these languages enough to become fluent. 19. I don’t talk very much. I listen and learn from what other people have to say, and when they stop talking, I ask a question that gets them going again. 20. I am a right wing conservative wacko! I typically don’t discuss politics because I know nobody cares about it, but I’ve become more vocal in the last few months. 21. My musical tastes have changed. Now, I like heavy metal AND hard rock. The louder the better. It helps to drown out the voices in my head. \,,/(^_^)\,,/ 22. Brandy says I’m a terrible singer, but it sounds really good when I’m alone in my truck. 23. I like taking long trips and seeing new things. I hope to be able to drive through all 57 states sometime within the next thirty years (see #21 and Favorite Quotes). 24. I am fiercely patriotic. I like to learn about American History, and am inspired by stories of the Pilgrims, Revolutionary patriots, and American CAPITALIST entrepreneurs. I hope that our new Socialist country will be ok.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 03:56:53 +0000

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